Cal Linguistics Community
We value conversations and engagement with our friends, alumnae / alumni, and colleagues. There are many ways to get involved:
- Attend public colloquium lectures in the department.
- Come to talks at the annual conference of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.
- Join us on CalDay.
- Visit faculty in their office hours, or send email to introduce yourself.
We look forward to meeting you, or renewing an acquaintance!
Contributing to Cal Linguistics
To make a donation, please visit the Linguistics Annual Fund.
You can help support us in many ways:
- California Language Archive (CLA) and Survey of California and Other Indian Languages (SCOIL). Your support will secure invaluable cultural heritage material — including paper records and sound recordings — with long-term archiving and digital preservation. The CLA makes language documentation accessible to researchers and indigeneous communities, while SCOIL sponsors a range of programs that effectively repatriate knowledge about the indigenous languages of California (and elsewhere in North, Central, and South America) to their communities.
- PhonLab. Research in phonetics, phonology, and psychology addresses fundamental questions about human speech, cognition, and language through empirical research from a variety of perspectives. The PhonLab supports physical studies of aerodynamic and articulatory factors in speech production, behavioral and neural imaging studies of speech perception, and linguistic studies of synchronic and diachronic language sound patterns.
- Script Encoding Initiative. The SEI is devoted to encoding scripts and script elements not yet supported in Unicode (a universal computing standard for text representation). This helps promote native-language education, universal literacy, and cultural preservation, and removes linguistic barriers to participation in the technological advancements of computing.
- Undergraduate research. Your gift could help sustain the Linguistic Research Apprentice Practicum, a program that pairs talented undergraduate students with graduate student mentors who guide their work on individual research projects.