PhD recipients since 2006 are listed below with current positions (insofar as we know them) and dissertation titles. A full list of PhD recipients with dissertation titles, from 1904 through 2024, is available through our Dissertations database.
PhD 2024
- Emily Grabowski; "Acoustic Measurement in Phonetics: Current practices and future directions"
- Tyler Lemon; "The morphosyntax of verbal agreement in Uab Meto"
- Emily Remirez; "Modeling the Role of Social Information in Speech Perception"
- Martha Schwarz; "Realization and Representation of Nepali Laryngeal Contrasts"
- Wesley Nascimento dos Santos; Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas-Austin (2024-2026); Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2026); "Topics on the syntax of Kawahíva: A Tupí-Guaraní language from the Brazilian Amazon"
PhD 2023
- Madeline Bossi, UX Researcher, Internal Revenue Service; "Epistemic modality across syntatic categories in Kipsigis"
- Emily Drummond, Language Data Project Manager, Intellipro Group; "Clause structure and ergativity in Nukuoro"
- Edwin Ko, Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Yale Univeristy; "Studies in Crow Linguistics: Documentation, Grammar, and History"
- Tessa Scott, Postdoctoral Fellow, Future of Higher Education, UC Berkeley; "Pronouns and agreement in San Juan Atitán Mam"
PhD 2022
- Schuyler Laparle, Lecturer, Department of Communication and Cognition, Tilburg Univeristy; "The shape of discourse: How gesture structures conversation"
- Raksit Tyler Lau-Preechathammarach, Programmer Writer, Amazon Web Services; "From Voice Quality to Tone: Multilingualism in Northeast Thailand and Shifting Cue Weights"
- Erik Hans Maier; "A Treebank of the Karuk Language"
- Yevgeniy Vasilyevich Melguy, Postdoctoral Researcher; "Perceptual learning for speech: Mechanisms of phonetic adaptation to an unfamiliar accent"
- Eric Wilbanks, Language Engineer, Amazon Alexa; "The Integration of Social and Acoustic Cues During Speech Perception”
PhD 2021
- Karee Garvin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard University; "Word-medial syllabification and gestural coordination"
- Myriam Lapierre, Assistant Professor, University of Washington; "Towards a Theory of Subsegmental and Subfeatural Representations: The Phonology and Typology of Nasality"
- Julia Nee, Bilingual Research Associate, The Exploratorium; "Participatory Action Research in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec Language Revitalization"
PhD 2020
- Geoffrey Bacon, Computational Linguist, Google; "Evaluating linguistic knowledge in neural networks"
- Andrew Cheng, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Irvine; "Accent and Ideology among Bilingual Korean Americans"
- Margaret Cychosz, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Maryland; starting 2023: Assistant Professor, UCLA; "Phonetic development in an agglutinating language"
- Virginia Dawson, Assistant Professor, Western Washington University; "Existential quantification in Tiwa: disjunction and indefinites"
- Zachary O'Hagan, Manager, California Language Archive, UC Berkeley; "Focus in Caquinte"
- Alice Shen, Analytical Linguist, Grammarly Language Research Team; "Costs and Cues in the Auditory Comprehension of Code-switching"
PhD 2019
- Kenneth Baclawski, Lecturer, University of Bristish Columbia; "Discourse connectedness: The syntax-discourse structure interface"
- Emily Clem, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego; "Agreement, case, and switch-reference in Amahuaca"
- Kelsey Neely, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Texas at Austin; "The Linguistic Expression of Affective Stance in Yaminawa (Pano, Peru)"
- Amalia Skilton, Postdoctoral Scholar, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen; "Spatial and non-spatial deixis in Cushillococha Ticuna"
PhD 2018
- Nico Baier, Postdoctoral Scholar, McGill; "Anti-Agreement"
- Auburn Barron-Lutzross, Postdoctoral Scholar, Linguistics, Stanford; "Speech Stereotypes of Female Sexuality"
- Matthew Faytak, Postdoctoral Researcher and Instructor, Linguistics, UCLA; "Articulatory uniformity through articulatory reuse: insights from an ultrasound study of Sūzhōu Chinese"
- John T. M. Merrill; "The Historical Origin of Consonant Mutation in the Atlantic Languages"
- Nicholas Rolle, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Linguistics, Princeton; "Grammatical Tone: Typology and Theory"
- Tammy Stark; Linguist, Facebook; "Caribbean Northern Arawak Person Marking and Alignment: a Comparative and Diachronic Analysis"
PhD 2017
- Sarah Bakst, Postdoctoral Fellow, Waisman Center and Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Wisconsin; "Articulation and Altered Auditory Feedback"
- Kayla Begay, Associate Professor of Native American Studies, Humboldt State University; "Wailaki Grammar"
- Jevon Heath, Lecturer, Linguistics, Pittsburgh; "Causes and Consequences of Convergence"
- Jonathan Manker, Lecturer, Linguistics, Rice; "Phonetic Attention and Predictability: How Context Shapes Exemplars and Guides Sound Change"
- Eric Prendergast, English Language Arts Curriculum Designer, IXL Learning; "The Origin and Spread of Locative Determiner Omission in the Balkan Linguistic Area"
- Hannah Sande, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley; "Distributing morphologically conditioned phonology: Three case studies from Guébie"
- Clare Sandy, Lecturer, Linguistics, San José State University; "Prosodic Prominence in Karuk"
- Katherine Sardinha, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of British Columbia; "The Semantics of Kʷak̓ʷala Object Case"
PhD 2016
- Roslyn Burns; "New World Mennonite Low German: An Investigating of Changes in Progress"
- Oana David, Analytical Linguist, Google; "Metaphor in the Grammar of Argument Realization"
- Florian Lionnet, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Princeton; "Subphonemic Teamwork: A Typology and Theory of Cumulative Coarticulatory Effects in Phonology"
- Christine Sheil; "Scottish Gaelic Clefts: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics"
- Elise Stickles, Lecturer, Thinking Matters Program, Stanford; "The interaction of syntax and metaphor in gesture: A corpus-experimental approach"
PhD 2015
- Chundra Cathcart, Postdoctoral Researcher, Comparative Linguistics, Zürich; "Iranian Dialectology and Dialectometry"
- I-Hsuan Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow, Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; "The Diachronic Development and Synchronic Distribution of Mimimizers in Mandarin Chinese"
- Jessica Cleary-Kemp; "Serial Verb Constructions Revisited: A Case Study from Koro"
- Emily Cibelli, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Linguistics, Northwestern; "Aspects of articulatory and perceptual learning in novel phoneme acquisition"
- Stephanie Farmer; "Establishing reference in Máíhĩ̵̀kì"
- Gregory Finley; "Accounting for the phonetic value of nonspeech sounds"
- Shinae Kang, Visiting Researcher, Linguistics, Georgetown; "Relationship between perceptual accuracy and information measures: A cross-linguistic study"
- Marilola Perez; "Cavite Chabacano Philippine Creole Spanish: Description and Typology"
- Tom Recht, Data Analytics Consultant, ProCogia; "Verb-Initial Clauses in Ancient Greek Prose: A Discourse-Pragmatic Study"
PhD 2014
- Daniel Bruhn, Globalization Engineer, PayPal; "A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Central Naga"
- Clara Cohen, Lecturer, English Language & Linguistics, Glasgow; "Combining structure and usage patterns in morpheme production: Probabilistic effects of sentence context and inflectional paradigms"
- David Kamholz, Lexical Data Specialist, PanLex, Long Now Foundation; "Austronesians in Papua: Diversification and Change in South-Halmahera-West New Guinea"
- John Sylak-Glassman, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Language and Speech Processing, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins; "Defining Natural Classes: The Phonology and Typology of Post-Velar Consonants"
PhD 2013
- Melinda Fricke, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Pittsburgh; "Phonological encoding and phonetic duration"
- Justin Spence; "Language change, contact, and koineization in Pacific Coast Athabaskan"
- Elisabeth Wehling; "A nation under joint custody: How conflicting family models divide US politics"
PhD 2012
- Amy Campbell, Senior Software Engineer, Apple; "The Morphosyntax of Discontinuous Exponence"
- Ramón Escamilla, Associate Professor, Linguistics, Central Arkansas; "An Updated Typology of Causative Constructions: Form-Function Mappings in Hupa (California Athabaskan), Chungli Ao (Tibeto-Burman) and Beyond"
- Hannah Haynie, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, University of Colorado Boulder; "Studies in the History and Geography of California Languages"
- Jisup Hong, Analytical Linguist, Google; "Connective Polysemy and Clause Linkage Typology in Korean"
- Iksoo Kwon, Associate Professor, English Linguistics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; "Viewpoints in the Korean Verbal Complex: Evidence Perception, Assessment, and Time"
- Dominic Yu, International UI Software Engineer, Apple; "Proto-Ersuic"
PhD 2011
- Thera Crane Ringhofer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of World Cultures, Helsinki; "Beyond Time: Temporal and Extra-temporal Functions of Tense and Aspect Marking in Totela, a Bantu Language of Zambia"
- Johnny George, Associate Professor, Meiji University; "Politeness in Japanese Sign Language (JSL): Polite JSL expression as evidence for intermodal language contact influence"
- Reiko Kataoka, Lecturer, Linguistics & Language Development, San José State University; "Phonetic and Cognitive Bases of Sound Change"
- Russell Lee-Goldman, Linguist, Google; "Context in Constructions"
- Yao Yao, Associate Professor, Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; "The Effects of Phonological Neighborhoods on Pronunciation Variation in Conversational Speech"
PhD 2010
- Zhenya Antić, Natural Language Processing consultant; "The Representation of Morphemes in the Russian Lexicon"
- Charles Chang, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Boston University; "First Language Phonetic Drift during Second Language Acquisition"
- Rebecca Cover, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations, Craig Foundation; "Aspect, Modality, and Tense in Badiaranke"
- Ellen Dodge, Senior Researcher, International Computer Science Institute; "Constructional and Conceptual Composition"
- Erin Haynes, Engage Language; "Phonetic and Phonological Acquisition in Endangered Languages Learned by Adults: A Case Study of Numu (Oregon Northern Paiute)"
- Michael Houser, Senior Editor, IXL Learning; "The Syntax and Semantics of Do So Anaphora"
- Shira (Katseff) Hahn, Experimental Scientist, GN Resound; "Linguistic constraints on compensation for altered auditory feedback"
- Nicole Marcus; "The Gascon Énonciatif Sytem: Past, Present and Future, a Study of Language Contact, Change, Endangerment and Maintenance"
- Mischa Park-Doob, Consultant, H5; "Gesturing through Time: Holds and Intermodal Timing in the Stream of Speech"
- Maziar Toosarvandani, Associate Professor, Linguistics, UC Santa Cruz; "Association with Foci"
PhD 2009
- Molly Babel, Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of British Columbia; "Phonetic and Social Selectivity in Speech Accommodation"
- Andrew Dolbey; "BioFrameNet: a FrameNet Extension to the Domain of Molecular Biology"
- Jenny Lederer, Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature, San Francisco State University; "Understanding the Self: The Distribution of Anaphora within Prepositional Phrases"
- Andrew K. Simpson; "The Origin and Development of Nonconcatenative Morphology"
- Sam Tilsen, Associate Professor, Linguistics, Cornell; "Hierarchical spatiotemporal dynamics of speech rhythm and articulation"
PhD 2008
- Gabriela Caballero, Associate Professor, Linguistics, UC San Diego; "Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara) Phonology and Morphology"
- Christian DiCanio, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Buffalo; "The Phonetics and Phonology of San Martín Itunyoso Trique"
- Marc Ettlinger, Research Scientist, Department of Veterans Affairs; "Input-driven Opacity"
- Nicholas Fleisher, Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; "Adjectives and Infinitives in Composition"
- Yuni Kim, Lecturer, Language and Linguistics, Essex; "Topics in the Phonology and Morphology of San Francisco del Mar Huave"
- Teresa McFarland, Lecturer (retired), Spanish and Portuguese, UC Berkeley; "The phonology and morphology of Filomeno Mata Totonac"
- Anne Pycha, Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; "Morphological Sources of Phonological Length"
PhD 2007
- Bonnie Henson, Adjunct Instructor, Linguistics, Seattle Pacific University; "The Phonology and Morphosyntax of Kol"
- Wesley Leonard, Assistant Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC Riverside; "Miami Language Reclamation in the Home: A Case Study"
- Kari Sullivan, Senior Lecturer, Languages and Cultures, Queensland; "Grammar in Metaphor: A Construction Grammar Account of Metaphoric Language"
- Tess Wood, Assistant Director, Maryland Language Science Center, and Research Assistant Professor, Linguistics, University of Maryland; "The Semantic Typology of Pluractionality"
- Fan-Pei Gloria Yang, Associate Professor, Cognition & Mind Science, National Tsing Hua University; "A Cognitive Approach to Mandarin Conditionals"
PhD 2006
- Olga Gurevich, Engineering Manager, Apple; "Constructional Morphology: The Georgian Version"
- David Mortensen, Research Scientist, Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon; "Logical and Substantive Scales in Phonology"
- Pawel Nowak; "Vowel Reduction in Polish"
- Mary Paster, Professor, Linguistics and Cognitive Science, Pomona; "Phonological Conditions on Affixation"
- Ryan Shosted, Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; "The Aeroacoustics of Nasalized Fricatives"
- Kenneth VanBik, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, CSU Fullerton; "Proto-Kuki-Chin"