April 7, 2023
In and around the Department of Linguistics in the next week:
- Linguistics Department Colloquium - Monday Apr 10 - Dwinelle 370 and Zoom - 3:10-4:30pm
Laura Kalin(link is external) (Princeton): "On the nature of linearization: Insights from infixes and infixation." - Seventh Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Linguistics Symposium(link is external) - Saturday Apr 15 - Dwinelle 5125 - 10am-5pm
- Phorum - Friday Apr 7 - Dwinelle 1229 - 3-4:30pm
Marie Tano(link is external) (Stanford): "Stancetaking and the construction of Black American identities in the United States." - Phorum x SSCircle(link is external) - Friday Apr 14 - Dwinelle 1229 - 3-4:30pm
Laura Kalin(link is external) (Princeton): "On the (non-)transparency of infixes that surface at a morpheme juncture." - Syntax and Semantics Circle(link is external) - Friday Apr 7 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom(link is external) - 3-4:30pm
Nicoletta Biondo(link is external) (UC Berkeley): "Bridging theoretical linguistics and cognitive neuroscience: Fine-grained linguistic differences do matter during online language comprehension."