On Saturday, May 7, some 60-70 linguists and others from Berkeley and afar gathered at the Faculty Club for a celebration of Keith Johnson's career on the occasion of his retirement. (Keith will be a Professor of the Graduate School as of July 1.) In-person speakers included Molly Babel, Meg Cychosz, Erin Diehm, Andrew Garrett, and Steve Goldinger; speaking by video recording or Zoom were Mary Beckman, Christian DiCanio, Larry Hyman, Richard Wright, and a series of (other) former students. Terry Regier served as master of ceremonies; Meg, Andrew, Siti Keo, and Hannah Sande were co-organizers.
During the event, Molly Babel announced that she, Yao Yao, Elizabeth Strand, and Grant McGuire will be editing Training Curiosity: Papers in honor of Keith Johnson, a special issue of Language and Speech that celebrates Keith's career and contributions. In the spirit of Keith’s style, they encourage collaboration across researchers with complementary theoretical and methodological angles from academic and industry perspectives on topics that speak to Keith’s impact, and invite one-page abstracts by August 1, 2022. Please submit abstracts and inquiries to Molly Babel (molly.babel@ubc.ca).
Congratulations, Keith!