Classification of Guébie within Kru


Guébie, a Kru language spoken in Côte d’Ivoire, is currently doubly classified within Eastern Kru according to Ethnologue (Lewis et al. 2013). It is listed as a dialect of two distinct subgroups, Bété and Dida. This double classification is clearly problematic, and this paper provides the initial work towards addressing the correct classification of the language. Here I compare the phonological and syntactic properties of Guébie with surrounding Bété and Dida languages in order to determine its relatedness to each subgroup. I conclude that Guébie is more closely related to Vata, a Dida language, than to Bété.

Publication date: 
May 30, 2018
Publication type: 
Recent Publication
Sande, H. L. (2018). Classification of Guébie within Kru. In African linguistics on the prairie, ed. Jason Kandybowicz, Travis Major, Harold Torrence, and Philip T. Duncan. 37-49. Berlin: Language Science Press.