March 9, 2021
The program for the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 39 (organized virtually by the University of Arizona) has just been released, with a schedule full of great work by Berkeley linguists!
- Emily Drummond: Maintaining syntactic identity under sluicing: Pseudoclefts and voice (mis)matches
- Maksymilian Dabkowski: Laryngeal feet in A'ingae. Implications for metrical theory
- Rebecca Jarvis: Presuppositionality and syntactic nominalization in finite clausal complements
- Tyler Lemon: Low nominative agreement in Uab Meto
- Wesley dos Santos: Long head movement is A-bar movement: the case study of Kawahíva
- Joshua Martin (BA '17): Monoradical intersectivity and the morphosemantics of suppletion
- Samir Alam (BA '19) and Elango Kumaran (BA '17): Focus-sensitive restrictions on multi-argument agreement in Maithili
- Prerna Nadathur (former faculty lecturer) and Hana Filip (PhD '93): Telicity, teleological modality, and (non)culmination
- Bernat Bardagil (former postdoc): Learning and describing interlocutor indexicality in Mỹky