October 12, 2021
There will be 6 (current and former) Berkeley-authored talks at the upcoming Westermann anniversary workshop* hosted in Berlin, November 4-6. The workshop focuses on areal and historical phenomena in Africa. The 6 Berkeley-affiliated talks are these:
- Karee Garvin, Katherine Russell, and Hannah Sande: "A typology of STAMP morphs in the Macro-Sudan Belt"
- Nik Rolle (PhD 2018) and Florian Lionnet (PhD 2016): "Phonological profile changes in the Macro-Sudan Belt: The antagonism between ATR and interior vowels"
- Florian Lionnet: "Laal and the Macro-Sudan Belt"
- Johanna Nichols and Frederik Hartmann: "The greater Sahara in the historical linguistic geography of Africa"
- Jack Merrill (PhD 2018): "Atlantic groups as primary Niger-Congo branches"
- Jeff Good (PhD 2003): "Individual-level lexical variation in the Bantu homeland and its implications for the development of Niger-Congo"
Congrats, all!
* Full title: Diedrich Westermann's legacy between Macro-Sudan Belt and Niger-Congo: an international workshop on the linguistic history in Central Africa commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1st professorship for African languages in Berlin