February 6, 2015
Awesomeness | BLS | Newly published| Talks | Deadline
Please send contributions (information and news of departmental interest) to Andrew Garrett.
Photographic evidence of honors given to current and former Berkeley Linguistics faculty at the January meeting of the Linguistic Society of America:
- Lev Michael received the Early Career Award: Yoga surari pairo igatsantsavagetake yavisakero oga tsinane.
- Donca Steriade was elected a Fellow of the LSA, presumably for work she did as an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Berkeley in the 1980s.
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society is this weekend: Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 7-8. The full program features distinguished invited speakers, the brightest young scholars in the field, and many marvels of linguistic science!
Newly published
These just in:
- Steven Bird and Larry M. Hyman, editors, "How to study a tone language", a set of themed articles in Language Documentation and Conservation 8 (2014)
- Larry M. Hyman, "Tonal melodies in the Lulamogi verb", Africana Linguistica 20 (2014) 163-180
Let the editor know about your new work (no tweets, blog posts, or facebook status updates).
- Colloquium (irregular times)
- M Feb. 9 (3-4:30, 370 Dwinelle): Maziar Toosarvandani (UC Santa Cruz), "Where is meaning in discourse? The temporal interpretation of clause chaining in Northern Paiute"
- Th Feb. 12 (3:30-5, 3335 Dwinelle): Amy Rose Deal (UC Santa Cruz), TBA
- CogNetwork (M 1–2:30, B-4 Dwinelle)
- Feb. 9: William Croft (New Mexico), "Force-dynamic image schemas: between verb and argument structure construction"
- Fieldwork Forum (Fforum, Th 2–3:30, 1303 Dwinelle)
- Feb. 12: Jenneke van der Wal (Cambridge), "How to elicit information structure in fieldwork? An illustration from focus strategies in Luganda"
- Phonetics and Phonology Forum (Phorum, M 12–1, 1303 Dwinelle)
- Feb. 9: Tsz-Him Tsui (Ohio State), "Functional load and perception of voicing contrasts in English fricatives"
- Sociophonetic Reading Exchange and Discussion (SPREAD, F 1-2, 1303 Dwinelle)
- Spanish and Portugese linguistics talks! (W 12-1:30, 5125 Dwinelle)
- Feb. 11: Ana Maria Carvalho (Arizona), "Spanish and Portuguese in Contact: Evidence for Language Divergence"
- Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (UC Santa Barbara, May 8-9)
- abstract deadline Feb. 15