October 10, 2021
Here's the latest from the California Language Archive:
- Christine Beier and Lev Michael have added audio and video recordings of 109 texts in Ikíitu (Zaparoan; Peru) to their growing archival collection (see items ending in 002, 027-029, 031-034, 036-037, 039-042, and 049-053). The texts were produced by speakers Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa, Ligia Inuma Inuma, Ema Llona Yareja, and Jaime Pacaya Inuma between 2002 and 2017. Some recordings were made by or with the assistance of Cynthia Anderson Hansen, Marcus Berger, Marcelo Inuma Sinchija, I-wen Lai, Sisi Bautista Pizarro, and Alison Zerbe (MA 2015).