In the last days of 2022, the Diccionario Iquito-Castellano was published by Editorial Abya Yala, a publisher devoted to works related to the Indigenous peoples of Latin America. This dictionary was compiled by Lev Michael and Christine Beier and documents the lexical, cultural, and grammatical knowledge of Jaime Pacaya Inuma, Ema Llona Yareja, Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa, and Ligia Inuma Inuma. This edition of the dictionary was prepared with the Spanish language assistance of Jaime Montoya Samamé.
Copies of the dictionary were delivered to the Iquito community of San Antonio last week, and last Friday, the dictionary was presented to the community at a long-anticipated ceremony. Each family present received a copy of the dictionary, and Lev and Chris have been continuing to distribute copies as families that were out of the community at the time drop by the Iquito language center to get their own copies. Photos and further details about the dictionary presentation ceremony are available here.