Linguistics events this week (Apr 1-9, 2022)

April 1, 2022

In and around the linguistics department in the next week(+):

  • Society of Linguistics Undergraduate Students (SLUgS) - Saturday Apr 9 - Dwinelle 370 and Zoom - 9am-4:30pm
    Come out to the Sixth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Linguistics Symposium and support undergraduate research! The Symposium schedule can be found here. All are welcome.
  • Fieldwork Forum - Wednesday Apr 6 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom (p/w fforum) - 3:10-4pm
    Pamela Munro (UCLA): TBA.
  • Phorum - Friday Apr 1 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 1-2pm
    Julianne Kapner (UC Berkeley): The University Next Door: Sound change in an urban Rochester neighborhood.
  • Phorum - Friday Apr 8 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 1-2pm
    Marko Drobnjak (UC Berkeley): Evaluation of testimony: Speech perception vs. witness credibility.
  • Syntax and Semantics Circle - Friday Apr 1 - 1303 Dwinelle and Zoom - 3-4:30pm
    Colin Brown (UCLA): Variable interrogative flip in evidential questions.
  • Syntax and Semantics Circle - Friday Apr 8 - 1303 Dwinelle and Zoom - 3-4:30pm
    Schuyler Laparle (UC Berkeley): By the way, did you know that digression is multimodal?.
  • Zoom Phonology - Friday Apr 1 - Zoom - 9am
    Canaan Breiss (MIT): Token frequency in the grammar: A case study of Japanese Voiced Velar Nasalization.
    For the Zoom link or to be added to the Zoom Phonology mailing list, contact Karee Garvin.