South American Nasality Project meeting

January 11, 2020

The first workshop for the NSF-funded South American Nasality Project (Co-PIs Susan Lin and Lev Michael) was held December 11-15, here in the department. Several participants are pictured below: first row (left to right): Marina Magalhães (U de Brasilia), Lorena Orjuela (UT Austin), Myriam Lapierre (UC Berkeley), Kelsey Neely (UT Austin); second row: Wesley dos Santos (UC Berkeley), Wilson Silva (U of Arizona), Jorge Labrada (U of Alberta), Lev Michael (UC Berkeley), Adam Singerman (U of Chicago), Thiago Chacon (U de Brasilia). Also participating, but not pictured: Susan Lin, Ronald Sprouse, and Paula Floro (all UC Berkeley).