
Gašper Beguš

Gašper Beguš headshot Associate Professor of Linguistics
Email: begus@berkeley.edu
Office: 1213 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Phonology, phonetics, computational linguistics, historical linguistics, Indo-European

Christine Beier

Chris Beier Assistant Adjunct Professor of Linguistics
Email: beiercm@berkeley.edu
Office: 1224 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Language endangerment, vitality, and revitalization; language documentation and description; Amazonian languages

Isaac L. Bleaman

Isaac Bleaman Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Email: bleaman@berkeley.edu
Office: 1216 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching:  Sociolinguistics, language variation and change, sociophonetics, sociosyntax, corpus methods, language contact, multilingualism, language planning, language and ethnicity, Yiddish, Jewish language varieties

Amy Rose Deal

Amy Rose Deal Professor of Linguistics
Email: ardeal@berkeley.edu
Office: 1223 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Syntax, semantics, fieldwork, Nez Perce

Susanne Gahl

Susanne Gahl Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Email: gahl@berkeley.edu
Office: 1220 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Psycholinguistics; language production and comprehension; aphasia

Andrew Garrett

Andrew Garrett

Professor of Linguistics, Nadine M. Tang and Bruce L. Smith Professor of Cross-Cultural Social Sciences
Pronouns: he, him, his
Email: garrett@berkeley.edu
Office: 1218 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Historical linguistics; Indo-European; Karuk, Yurok, and California Indian languages; language documentation and revitalization

Sherry Hicks

Sherry Hicks Lecturer in Linguistics
Email: sherry.hicks@berkeley.edu
Office: 1224 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: American Sign Language

Nicole Holliday

Nicole Holliday Acting Associate Professor of Linguistics
Email: nicole.holliday@berkeley.edu
Office: 1222 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Sociophonetics, prosody, African American English, speech technology

Sharon Inkelas

Sharon Inkelas Distinguished Professor of Linguistics; Deputy Compliance Officer and Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare
Email: inkelas@berkeley.edu
Office: 1219 Dwinelle Hall | 200 California Hall #11
Research and teaching: Phonology, morphology, and their interface; child phonology

Peter Jenks

Peter Jenks Associate Professor of Linguistics
Email: jenks@berkeley.edu
Office: 1217 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Syntax, semantics, phonology, fieldwork; Moro and other Niger-Congo languages; Thai, Mandarin, and other East and Southeast Asian languages

Darya (Даша) Kavitskaya

Darya Kavitskaya Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Linguistics
Email: dkavitskaya@berkeley.edu
Office: 6219 Dwinelle
Research and teaching: Slavic, Turkic, Uralic; phonology and phonetics, historical phonology

Lev Michael

Lev Michael Professor of Linguistics
Email: levmichael@berkeley.edu
Office: 1212 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Anthropological linguistics, typology, documentation and description of Amazonian languages, South American historical and contact linguistics, language revitalization

Line Mikkelsen

Line Mikkelsen

Professor of Linguistics
Email: mikkelsen@berkeley.edu
Office: 1210 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Syntax, semantics, morphology, Danish and other Germanic languages, Karuk and other languages of California, philosophy of language

This fall the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley offers students a unique opportunity to learn about Kalaallisut, the official language of Greenland. The course is co-taught by Kalaallisut speakers Ellen Thrane and Grethe Schmidt and linguist Line Mikkelsen

Alexandra Pfiffner

photo of Alexandra Pfiffner Lecturer in Linguistics
Email: apfiffner@berkeley.edu
Research and teaching: Phonetics, phonology, and their interface; experimental phonetics; forensic linguistics

Terry Regier

Terry Regier Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Email: firstname dot lastname at berkeley dot edu
Office: 1221 Dwinelle Hall
Research and teaching: Language and cognition; semantic variation and universals; computational linguistics

Hannah Sande

Hannah Sande Associate Professor of Linguistics
Office: 1214 Dwinelle
Research and teaching: Phonology, morphology, and their interface; prosody; language documentation and description; African languages, especially languages of Côte d'Ivoire