Gabriella Licata (UC Riverside) will be leading a three-day workshop on "Quantitative Approaches to the Study of Language Attitudes and Bias" from 4-6pm on March 18, 20, and 21 in 5303 Dwinelle Hall. To register (for any or all sessions), kindly email Justin Davidson. Here is a description of the workshop:
In this 3-day intensive workshop, Dr. Licata will present a deep dive into methodologies and analyses for empirical studies of language attitudes and linguistic bias, including the matched guise test (MGT), the implicit association test (IAT), and relevant data analyses in R (exploratory factor analysis, ordinal regression, correlation analyses). Should you not see yourself as a sociolinguist working on attitudes and bias, the skills and software you'll be exposed to in the workshop are nice tools to have at your disposal, if even for the eventual mentoring of future students that would seek your guidance on how to use them!
Day 1 (March 18): Matched Guise and Exploratory Factor Analysis
Day 2 (March 20): Implicit Association Test
Day 3 (March 21): Quantitative Analysis via Ordinal Regression and Correlation Analyses
Gabriella Licata is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Center for Ideas and Society at UC Riverside and Lead Researcher at Mount Tamalpais College inside San Quentin Prison. She takes interdisciplinary approaches and uses mixed methodologies to uncover systemic [linguistic] discrimination as a resource for reform, abolition, and liberation. Gabriella additionally is the founder of a community-based consulting business, Restorative Research Consulting.