November 29, 2015
Please send information and news of departmental interest to Andrew Garrett.
Talks and events
- Monday, November 30
- 11–12: Andries Coetzee, (Michigan) "Patagonian Afrikaans: the early modern history of Afrikaans, language contact and change, language attrition and death" (Phonetics and Phonology Forum, 1303 Dwinelle)
- 1–2:30: Oana David (Berkeley), "A frame semantic approach to the interpretation of null arguments in English and Spanish" (CogNetwork, 1229 Dwinelle)
- 3–5: Andries Coetzee, (Michigan) "Modeling phonological variation" (Linguistics Colloquium, 370 Dwinelle)
- Tuesday, December 1
- 9:30–11: Rebekah Baglini (Stanford), "Wolof Bu Xóót: Fieldwork on 'Deep Wolof' in Northern Senegal" (Fieldwork Forum, 1303 Dwinelle)
- 3:30–5: Tyler Lau (Berkeley), "From Latin to Romance: Computational Modeling of Syncretism" (Historical Linguistics Forum, a.k.a. *dhworom, 1229 Dwinelle)
- Friday, December 4
- 11–12:30: Sharon Thompson-Schill (Pennsylvania), "Conceptual Integration" (Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 5101 Tolman)
- 3–5: Boyoung Kim (Berkeley), "Sensitivity to Islands in Korean-English Bilinguals " (Syntax and Semantics Circle, 1303 Dwinelle)
- 3–5: Linda Louie, "Beyond Grammar: Revisiting Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom"; Emily Hellmich, "Surveys in Language Teaching and Research: A Personal and Professional Journey"; Irina Kogel, "Teaching Russian Cultural Competence and Listening Comprehension through Video Interviews" (Berkeley Language Center Fellows Lectures, B-4 Dwinelle)
- Colloquia at other universities
- Merced, Monday, Nov. 30: Kie Zuraw (UCLA), "Polarized patterns of variation in (mainly) phonology" (UC Merced CogSci Colloquium, 3 pm)