Historical and Areal Linguistics

Deborah Anderson

Associate Research Linguist


Script Encoding Initiative The Script Encoding Initiative (SEI), established in the UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics in April 2002, is a project devoted to the preparation of formal proposals for the encoding of scripts and script elements not yet currently supported in Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646).

Rhosean Asmah

PhD Student

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Wesley dos Santos

PhD Candidate

Language documentation and description, historical linguistics, Amazonian languages (especially Kawahiva, a Tupí-Guaraní language)

Emily Drummond


Syntax, semantics, language variation and change, language documentation, Polynesian languages, Nukuoro

Edwin Ko


Syntax, semantics, morphosyntax, language variation and change, historical and comparative linguistics, language documentation and revitalization, Alaska Native and Native American languages (especially Aleut, Crow, Hidatsa, and Northern Pomo)

Raksit Tyler Lau-Preechathammarach


Sound change, experimental phonetics, tonogenesis, perception-production link, documentation & revitalization, Austroasiatic languages, Ryukyuan languages

Wendy L. A. López Márquez

PhD Candidate

Morphosyntax, historical linguistics, language documentation, Mesoamerican linguistics (especially Mixe-Zoquean languages: Highland Popoluca)

James A. Matisoff

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

Southeast Asian languages, especially Tibeto-Burman and Thai, Chinese, Japanese, field linguistics, Yiddish studies, historical semantics, psychosemantics, language typology, area linguistics

Zachary O'Hagan

Manager, California Language Archive

PhD, UC Berkeley

Caquinte (Arawak), Omagua (Tupí-Guaraní), Taushiro (isolate), and Omurano (isolate); language documentation, description, history and contact in Amazonia; historical linguistics; morphosyntax; semantics; information structure

Richard A. Rhodes

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

American Indian languages, grammatical theory, phonology and lexicology