Syntax and Semantics

Edwin Ko


Syntax, semantics, morphosyntax, language variation and change, historical and comparative linguistics, language documentation and revitalization, Alaska Native and Native American languages (especially Aleut, Crow, Hidatsa, and Northern Pomo)

Schuyler Laparle


Syntax and its interfaces, lexical semantics, pragmatics, information structure, metaphor, cognitive linguistics

Tyler Lemon

PhD Candidate

Morphology, syntax, phonology, typology, language variation, fieldwork

Wendy L. A. López Márquez

PhD Candidate

Morphosyntax, historical linguistics, language documentation, Mesoamerican linguistics (especially Mixe-Zoquean languages: Highland Popoluca)

Erik Hans Maier


Syntax, semantics, morphology, fieldwork, language documentation and revitalization, verbal art, Karuk, Germanic languages

Line Mikkelsen

Professor of Linguistics

PhD, UC Santa Cruz

Syntax, semantics, morphology, Danish and other Germanic languages, Karuk and other languages of California, philosophy of language

Zachary O'Hagan

Manager, California Language Archive

PhD, UC Berkeley

Caquinte (Arawak), Omagua (Tupí-Guaraní), Taushiro (isolate), and Omurano (isolate); language documentation, description, history and contact in Amazonia; historical linguistics; morphosyntax; semantics; information structure

Justin Royer

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, McGill University

Syntax; Semantics; Prosody; Typology; Language Documentation; Mayan languages; Québec French