Forms and Functions of Backward resumption: The case of Karuk.


This article examines obligatory backward resumption in Karuk (kyh; isolate), a verb-final language
of Northern California, and argues that it is the result of conflicting word-order requirements.
This conceptual analysis is further developed within the chain-resolution framework of
Landau 2006, in which resumption is the result of partial deletion. The Karuk facts indicate that
partial deletion targets spellout domains and not phases, contra van Urk 2018. Examination of two
case studies from the literature and a reinterpretation of the Dinka resumption data discussed in
van Urk 2018 further demonstrate that partial deletion of spellout domains has broader empirical
coverage than partial deletion of phases. The second part of the article pivots to the predictions
made by the chain-resolution analysis about alternatives to backward resumption. These predictions
are shown to be borne out in three other verb-final languages, namely Hindi-Urdu, Persian,
and Turkish. The article closes with an examination of the parallels between backward resumption
and regular forward resumption and concludes that both may be derived by movement or by basegeneration
of the proform.

Charron (Sonny) Davis, Vina Smith, Nancy Super (nén Jerry), Peter Super Sr., Charlie Thom Sr., Line Mikkelsen
Publication date: 
December 1, 2020
Publication type: 
Recent Publication
Davis, C. S., Smith, V., Super, N., Super Sr, P., Thom Sr, C., & Mikkelsen, L. (2020). Forms and functions of backward resumption: The case of Karuk. Language, 96(4), 841-873.