
Title Author Yearsort descending Publication type
Legal Meanings: A Cognitive Linguistic Study of American Legal Discourse Richard Perry 1994 Dissertation
The Miami-Illinois Languages David Costa 1994 Dissertation
A Language of Pursuit and Withdrawal: A Linguistic Analysis of Couples’ Counseling Melinda Givens 1994 Dissertation
Duration in Moraic Theory Kathleen Hubbard 1994 Dissertation
Grammatical Subject and Its Role in the Grammar of Case Languages Mirjam Fried 1995 Dissertation
Hijra/Hijrin: Language and Gender Identity Kira Hall 1995 Dissertation
Cross-Linguistic Lexicographic Databases for Etymological Research, with Examples from Sino-Tibetan and Bantu Languages John Lowe 1995 Dissertation
Cognition In Grammar: The Problem of Verbal Prefixation in Malay Lionel Wee 1995 Dissertation
A constructional Approach to Japanese Internally Headed Relativization Kyoko Ohara (Hirose) 1996 Dissertation
Sign-Based Morphology and Phonology with special attention to Optimality Theory Orhan Orgun 1996 Dissertation
Parsing Below the Segment in a Constraint Based Framework Cheryl Zoll 1996 Dissertation
Person and Deixis in Brazilian Sign Language Norine Berenz 1996 Dissertation
Irish on the Air: Media, Discourse, and Minority-language Development Colleen Cotter 1996 Dissertation
Phonetics and Phonology of Ikalanga: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study Joyce Mathangwane 1996 Dissertation
Basque Word Order and Disorder Principles, Variation, and Prospects Jon Aske 1997 Dissertation
Topic and Discourse Structure in West Greenlandic Agreement Constructions Anna Berge 1997 Dissertation
Borrowed Blackness: African American Vernacular English and European American Youth Identities Mary Bucholtz 1997 Dissertation
The Grammaticalization of Grammatical Relations: A Typological and Historical Study Involving Kashaya Pomo, Old English, and Modern English David Gamon 1997 Dissertation
Foundations of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes Joseph Grady 1997 Dissertation
Lexical Phonology and Morphology of the Ciyao Verb Stem Armindo Ngunga 1997 Dissertation
Language in the Body: Iconicity and Metaphor in American Sign Language Sarah Taub 1997 Dissertation
The Role of Dynamic Cues in Speech Perception, Spoken Word Recognition, and Phonological Universals Natasha Warner 1998 Dissertation
The Discourse System of American Lesbians and Gays Anita Liang 1998 Dissertation
Beyond the Issues: A Linguistic and Conceptual Study of American Public Discourse Pamela Morgan 1998 Dissertation
Proposal For the Use of Cognitive Linguistics in Hupa Language Revitalization Jocelyn Ahlers 1999 Dissertation
Introduction to Qiang Phonology and Lexicon: Synchrony and Diachrony Jonathan Evans 1999 Dissertation
Constructional Grounding: The Role of Interpretational Overlap in Lexical and Constructional Acquisition Christopher Johnson 1999 Dissertation
Proto-Kra Weera Ostapirat 1999 Dissertation
Discourse-Functional, Historical, and Typological Aspects of Applicative Constructions David Peterson 1999 Dissertation
The School Business: Rethinking Educational Reform Nancy Urban 1999 Dissertation
Vowels of California English before /r/, /l/, and /n/ Joshua S. Guenter 2000 Dissertation
A Synchronic and Diachronic Functional Analysis of Hittite -ma Michael Meacham 2000 Dissertation
Spatial Experience and Temporal Metaphors in Wolof: Point of View, Conceptual Mapping, and Linguistic Practice Kevin Ezra Moore 2000 Dissertation
A Usage-based Model of Aphasic Sentence Comprehension Susanne Gahl 2000 Dissertation
Of Sound, Mind, and Body: Neural Explanations for Non-categorical Phonology Benjamin Bergen 2001 Dissertation
Sociolinguistic Aspects of Thai Politeness Leela Bilmes 2001 Dissertation
Tough Constructions in English: a Construction Grammar Approach Yoon-Suk Chung 2001 Dissertation
Theoretical and Typological Issues in Consonant Harmony Gunnar Hansson 2001 Dissertation
Compensatory Lengthening: Phonetics, Phonology, Diachrony Darya Kavitskaya 2001 Dissertation
Acoustic Cues in the Directionality of Stop Consonant Confusions Madelaine Plauché 2001 Dissertation
A Study of Vowels, Diphthongs, and Tones in Thai Rungpat Roengpitya 2001 Dissertation
Are These Truths Self-Evident? Language, Culture and Human Rights in the U.S. and China Jason D. Patent 2002 Dissertation
The Functions and Evolution of Topic and Focus Markers Paula Kadose Radetzky (Rogers) 2002 Dissertation
Positional Neutralization: A Phonologization Approach to Typological Patterns Jonathan Barnes 2002 Dissertation
Tense and Aspect in Periphrastic Pasts: Evidence from Iberian Romance Matthew Juge 2002 Dissertation
Substrate Transfer in Saramaccan Creole Marvin Gould Kramer 2002 Dissertation
Aspects of the Grammar of Thulung Rai: an Endangered Himalayan Language Aimée Lahaussois 2002 Dissertation
Social Influences on Female Speakers' Pitch Julie Lewis 2002 Dissertation
Verb-Initial Constructions in Modern Hebrew Nurit Melnik 2002 Dissertation
Shuo Wen Jie Zi - Dianzi Ban: Digital Recension of the Eastern Han Chinese Grammaticon Richard Sterling Cook 2003 Dissertation