Historical and Areal Linguistics

A Bayesian Phylogenetic Classification of Tupí-Guaraní

Lev Michael
Natalia Chousou-Polydouri
Keith Bartolomei
Erin Donnelly
Vivian Wauters
Sérgio Meira
Zachary O'Hagan

This paper presents an internal classification of Tupí-Guaraní based on lexical data from 30 Tupí-Guaraní languages and 2 non-Tupí-Guaraní Tupian languages, Awetí and Mawé. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using a generalized binary cognate gain and loss model was carried out on a character table based on the binary coding of cognate sets, which were formed with attention to semantic shift. The classification shows greater internal structure than previous ones, but is congruent with them in several ways.

A test of coding procedures for lexical data with Tupí-Guaraní and Chapacuran languages

Natalia Chousou-Polydouri
Joshua Birchall
Sérgio Meira
Zachary O’Hagan
Lev Michael

Recent phylogenetic studies in historical linguistics have focused on lexical data. However, the way that such data are coded into characters for phylogenetic analysis has been approached in different ways, without investigating how coding methods may affect the results. In this paper, we compare three different coding methods for lexical data (multistate meaning-based characters, binary root-meaning characters, and binary cognate characters) in a Bayesian framework, using data from the Tupí-Guaraní and Chapacuran language families as case studies. We show that, contrary to prior...

A Linguistic Analysis of Old Omagua Ecclesiastical Texts

Lev Michael
Zachary O'Hagan

This monograph presents a detailed philological study of the oldest known texts written in Omagua, a Tupí-Guaraní language of western Amazonia. Produced in the 17th and/or 18th centuries by Jesuit missionaries as a central component of their evangelical work in the Gobierno de Maynas, these texts include: 1) a version of the Lord's Prayer (Pater Noster); 2) a short fragment of a longer catechism; 3) a second complete catechism; and 4) a Profession of Faith. In addition, we present an analysis of brief Omagua passages found in the diary of Manuel Uriarte, a Jesuit missionary active...