Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

Multiple exponence in the Lusoga verb stem

Larry M. Hyman
Sharon Inkelas

Most overviews of the Bantu verb stem assume a structure with an obligatory verb root followed by possible derivational suffixes (“extensions”), and ending with an inflectional final vowel (FV) morpheme, e.g. Chichewa mang-an-a ‘tie each other’ (mang- ‘tie’, -an- ‘reciprocal’, -a ‘FV’). Based on Lusoga, a Bantu language spoken in Uganda, we describe and provide an account of several systematic exceptions to this pan-Bantu structure, particularly as concerns multiple spell-outs of the same derivational and inflectional morphemes. The multiple exponence observed in Lusoga poses...

In search of prosodic domains in Lusoga

Larry M. Hyman

According to Selkirk’s (2011) “match theory”, the mapping of syntactic structure onto prosodic domains is universal. What this means is that if a language chooses to implement the relation between syntactic- or phrase-structure in the phonology, certain syntax-phonology relations should be predictable (and others not possible). This potentially produces asymmetries, as in Luganda, where a verb forms a tone phrase with what follows (e.g. an object, adjunct, right-dislocation), but not with what precedes (e.g. the subject, adverbial, left-dislocation). The purpose of my talk is to...

Multiple marking in Bantoid: from syntheticity to analyticity

Larry M. Hyman

This paper addresses the mechanisms of change that lead from syntheticity to analyticity in the Bantoid languages of the Nigeria-Cameroon borderland area. I address the different strategies that are adopted as these languages lose applicative “verb extensions” found elsewhere in Bantu and Niger-Congo. I show that although historical recipient, benefactive, and instrumental applicative marking on verbs allowed multiple object noun phrases (send-APPL chief letter, cook-APPL child rice, cut-APPL knife meat), they have been replaced by adpositional phrases and/or serial verb...

Positional prominence vs. word accent: Is there a difference?

Larry M. Hyman

One of the major unresolved issues in the study of word-accentual systems is determining what exactly counts as accent, a problem which is further complicated in languages with tone or so-called pitch-accent. In this chapter I address three African cases where the positional prominence effects are clearly word level, reasonably subject to a metrical (accentual) interpretation, but do not consistently coincide. In Ibibio, a Cross-River language spoken in Nigeria, greater consonant and vowel contrasts suggests that the initial stem syllable is the accented head of a trochaic foot,...

A note on Nuba Mountain verb extensions

Larry M. Hyman

Based on the available literature and personal communications with specialists, this paper surveys the rich occurrence of verb extensions in the Nuba mountain languages which mark different grammatical functions such as causative, dative and locative applicatives, comparative, passive, antipassive, reciprocal/reflexive, and associative/instrumental, as well as ventive, itive, habitual, iterative and pluractional marking. Given the diversity of forms among the different groups in the area, a set of guidelines is considered to determine whether specific extensions can be reconstructed...

A sketch of Muniche segmental and prosodic phonology

Lev Michael
Stephanie Farmer
Gregory Finley
Christine Beier
Karina Sullón Acosta

This paper presents a description of the segmental and prosodic phonology of Muniche, a critically endangered Peruvian Amazonian isolate. Using data from team-based fieldwork with a group of rememberers of Muniche, this paper describes the segmental inventory, syllable structure, and stress system of the language, plus a number of prosodically motivated epenthetic processes. A historical overview of the language and its contact with neighboring Kawapanan languages is also presented. Finally, the results of this study are compared with Gibson (1996), the sole previous study of Muniche...

Beguš speaks at USC

October 5, 2021

Gašper Beguš gave a colloquium talk at USC Linguistics on October 4 entitled "Deep Learning and Phonology: Comparing Behavioral and Neural Speech Data with Outputs of Deep Generative Models."

Berkeley linguists @ AMP 2021

September 29, 2021

The Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2021), taking place online from October 1 to 3, will feature presentations by the following Berkeley linguists:

Francesco Burroni (Cornell University), Raksit Lau-Preechathammarach, and Sireemas Maspong (Cornell University): Unifying Initial Geminates and fortis stops via laryngeal specification. Three case studies from Pattani Malay, Salentino, and Dunan [abstract] Katherine Russell: Nasal harmony and interactions with lexical strata in Paraguayan Guaraní [abstract] Maksymilian Dąbkowski: Prosody drives Paraguayan Guaraní suffix order [abstract]

Congrats, all!

Kavitskaya and Wandl present at PLM

September 13, 2021

Darya Kavitskaya and Florian Wandl (University of Zurich) will present at the Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) on September 16 in the special session "Phonological diversity matters." The title of the talk is "A rare contrast in Slavic: The palatalization of rhotics." The conference program is available here.

Sande speaks at Epenthesis Workshop

September 14, 2021

Hannah Sande will be giving an invited talk at the Epenthesis Workshop at Stony Brook on Friday called "Epenthesis or deletion? CVCV~CCV alternations in Kru languages." Congrats, Hannah!