Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

Phorum 2013

Schedule of Talks for Fall 2013

Previous Meetings SEPTEMBER 9 - LARRY HYMAN

What is phonological typology?

In this talk I am concerned with the following questions:

What is phonological typology?

How are phonological typology and phonetic typology the same/different?

How are phonological typology and general phonology the same/different?

How are phonological typology and general typology the same/different?

Despite earlier work by...

Phorum 2014

Schedule of Talks for Fall 2014

Previous Meetings SEPTEMBER 8 - Myfany Turpin (University of Queensland)
Linguistic fieldwork and song

Jointly hosted by Phorum and FForum


SEPTEMBER 15 - Megha Sundara (UCLA)
Phonetic similarity biases phonological learning in infants

Researchers have suggested that learners are biased to prefer phonological mappings between...

Phorum 2015

Schedule of Talks for Fall 2015 Previous Meetings AUGUST 31 - Larry M. Hyman (UC Berkeley)
Why underlying representations? SEPTEMBER 7 - No Meeting (Labor Day) SEPTEMBER 14 - Phorum Phround Phrobin (Come Prepared!)

We invite you to come with a phonetic or phonological topic or some interesting data that you are prepared to discuss for 5-10 minutes. If you do not have a topic to present, come prepared to ask questions and discuss the data that others bring!

SEPTEMBER 21 - Article Discussion (Ph Journal Club)

Finley, Sara. 2015. Learning nonadjacent dependencies in phonology:...

Phorum 2016

Fall 2016 AUGUST 29 - You! (Phorum Round Robin)

Come to our first Phorum of the year with a 5 minute (or less) Ph-related musing, question, or update on what you did this summer.

SEPTEMBER 5 - No Phorum (Labor Day) SEPTEMBER 12 - Brian W. Smith (UC Santa Cruz)
French schwa and cumulative constraint interaction

Grammars with weighted constraints predict the existence of ganging effects: cases where two constraints combine to overcome the effect of one competing constraint. This talk presents a case study of one such ganging effect in French, using it to argue for an analysis in...

Mobile object markers in Moro: The role of tone

Peter Jenks
Sharon Rose

Object markers alternate between a prefix and a suffix position in the Thetogovela dialect of Moro, an underdocumented Kordofanian language of Sudan. Although the alternation appears to depend on the morphosyntactic category of verb forms, we show that it actually follows from the tonal properties of these verb forms. Verb stems that are usually marked with a default, phonologically predictable leftmost high tone select prefix object markers. The high-toned prefix object marker appears inside the stem, and its high tone serves as the default tone of the stem, obviating the need for...