Yuen Ren Chao receiving a Berkeley honorary degree in California Memorial Stadium, 1963
 Yakov Malkiel on the occasion of receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Salamanca, 1994. He was the first Jewish recipient of such a Salamanca degree since the Expulsion in 1492. |
Honorary degrees
- Yuen Ren Chao: Princeton, 1946; Berkeley, 1963; Ohio State, 1970
- Murray B. Emeneau: Chicago, 1968; Dalhousie, 1970; Hyderabad, 1987; Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, 1999
- Charles J. Fillmore: Chicago, 2000
- Mary R. Haas: Northwestern, 1975; Chicago, 1976; Earlham College, 1980; Ohio State, 1980
- Yakov Malkiel: Chicago, 1966; Illinois, 1969; Paris, 1983; Freie Universität Berlin, 1983; Georgetown, 1987; Oxford, 1989; Salamanca, 1994
- John J. Ohala: Copenhagen, 1992
- Terry Regier: Gothenburg, 2023
- William S-Y. Wang: Chicago, 2018
- Benjamin Ide Wheeler: Princeton, 1896; Brown, 1900; Harvard, 1900; Yale, 1901; Johns Hopkins, 1902; Illinois College, 1904; University of Wisconsin, 1904; Dartmouth, 1905; Columbia, 1906; Athens, 1912; Colgate, 1912
Festschriften and dedicated volumes
- Dedicated to Andrew Garrett: The Life Cycle of Language: Past, Present, and Future, ed. by Darya Kavitskaya and Alan C. L. Yu (2023)
- Dedicated to Larry M. Hyman: Revealing Structure, ed. by Eugene Buckley, Thera Crane, and Jeff Good (2018)
- Language Typology and Historical Contingency: In Honor of Johanna Nichols, ed. by Balthasar Bickel, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson, and Alan Timberlake (2013)
- Puzzles of Language: Essays in Honour of Karl Zimmer, ed. by Eser Erguvanlı Taylan and Bengisu Rona (2011)
- Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 15-18, 2002: Special Session on Tibeto-Burman and Southeast Asian Linguistics, in Honor of Prof. James A. Matisoff, ed. by Patrick Chew (2005)
- Language Variation: Papers on Variation and Change in the Sinosphere and in the Indosphere in Honour of James A. Matisoff, ed. by David Bradley, Randy LaPolla, Boyd Michailovsky, and Graham Thurgood (2003)
- Research Mate in African Linguistics — Focus on Cameroon: A Fieldworker’s Tool for Deciphering the Stories Cameroonian Languages Have to Tell, In Honor of Professor Larry M. Hyman, ed. by Beban Sammy Chumbow and Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2001)
- Festschrift for John J. Ohala: Language and Speech 35/1-2, ed. by Jeri J. Jaeger (1995)
- Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 18-21, 1994: General Session Dedicated to the Contributions of Charles J. Fillmore, ed. by Susanne Gahl, Andy Dolbey, and Christopher Johnson (1994)
- In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics, ed. by William Shipley (1988)
- American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies: Papers in Honor of Madison S. Beeler, ed. by Kathryn Klar, Margaret Langdon, and Shirley Silver (1980)
- Dedicated to Murray B. Emeneau: Dravidian Phonological Systems, ed. by Harold F. Schiffman and Carol M. Eastman (1975)
- Festschrift for Mary R. Haas: Studies in American Indian Languages, ed. by Jesse Sawyer (University of California Publications in Linguistics 65, 1971)
- Festschrift for Mary R. Haas: Journal of the American Oriental Society 90/1 (1970)
- Studies in Indian Linguistics: Professor M. B. Emeneau Ṣaṣṭipūrti Volume, ed. by Bh. Krishnamurti (1968)
- Dedicated to Yuen Ren Chao: Language 42/2 (1966)
- Dedicated to Murray B. Emeneau: Studies in Californian Linguistics, ed. by William Bright (University of California Publications in Linguistics 34, 1964)
- Dedicated to A. L. Kroeber: Language 32/1 (1956)