March 1, 2021
Berkeley faculty Hannah Sande, Larry Hyman, and PhD alumni Gabriela Caballero, Florian Lionnet, and Nik Rolle will be giving talks at the upcoming Princeton Phonology Forum (Tone and Phonological Theory), taking place from March 19 to 21, 2021. The full program and schedule is available online, and the deadline for registration is March 18.
Gabriela Caballero: Tonal exponence and lexical-grammatical tone interactions in San Juan Piñas Mixtec
Larry Hyman: Allomorphy and Tonal Opacity at the Phrase Level in Kuki-Thaadow
Hannah Sande: Not all morphology is item-based: Evidence from three tonal processes
Nicholas Rolle & Florian Lionnet: Phantom structure: A representational account of floating tone association