Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

Berkeley linguists at Exploring Boundaries workshop

March 5, 2025

Several Berkeley linguists will present at an upcoming workshop on Exploring Boundaries: Phonological domains in the languages of the world in Tromsø, Norway on March 13-14, 2025.

Maksymilian Dąbkowski and Katherine Russell will give a talk entitled "Wordhood at the heart of Paraguayan Guaraní morphology" Hannah Sande will give a talk entitled "Identifying domains in Lobi: Downstep, tone spreading, and harmony" Kai Joseph Schenck will present a poster on "Morphological domains in Yurok rhotic vowel harmony"


The Berkeley Phonetics, Phonology and Psycholinguistics Forum ("Phorum") is a weekly talk and discussion series featuring presentations on all aspects of phonetics, phonology, and psycholinguistics. We meet on Fridays from 4(:10)-5pm (unless specified otherwise below), in Dwinelle 1229 (Zoom link shared upon request). Phorum is organized by Kai Schenck and Lindsay Hatch. Our emails are respectively "kai_schenck" and "lindsaykhatch"

Schedules from previous semesters can be found...

Berkeley linguists at Variation in Cyclicity workshop

February 24, 2025

There will be two Berkeley talks at the upcoming workshop on Variation in Cyclicity at DGfS in Mainz, Germany, March 4-7:

Hannah Sande will give a plenary talk on "Discontinuous harmony in Guébie: Consequences for cyclic spell out." Maksymilian Dąbkowski will talk about "The spell-out of A'ingae functional phases and its phonological consequences."

Sande speaks in Leipzig

February 24, 2025

Hannah Sande is giving an invited talk entitled "Exploring prosodic domains and morpheme-specific tonology in Lobi (Gur)" at Universität Leipzig on Friday, February 28. Congrats, Hannah!

Russell publishes in the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics

February 12, 2025

Congratulations to Katie Russell on the publication of a chapter on "Tone" in the 3rd edition of the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. An Open Access version can be found here.

Robertson Molinaro publishes in Folia Linguistica

February 6, 2025

Congratulations to Allegra Robertson Molinaro on the publication of an article titled "Laryngealized vowels in Yánesha': A phonetic description and subsegmental analysis" in Folia Linguistica! An Open Access version of the article can be found here.

Dąbkowski presents at OCP22

January 30, 2025

Congratulations to Maksymilian Dąbkowski on his upcoming presentation, "The forms and meanings of A’ingae derived nouns," at the 22nd Old-World Conference in Phonology (OCP22) hosted at the University of Amsterdam on February 5-7.

Sande publishes on deletion and epenthesis in Kru languages

January 20, 2025

Congratulations to Hannah Sande, who published a chapter, "Insertion or deletion? CVCV/CCV alternations in Kru languages," in a new volume Epenthesis and beyond: Recent approaches to insertion in phonology and its interfaces with Language Science Press, available here:

Phorum 2023

Spring 2023 January 20

Sarang Jeong (Stanford): The relation between perception and production in an ongoing sound change: A pilot experiment on the younger group's perception of Korean three-way stop contrast

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether individual language users’ perception is parallel to their production when their language community is going through a sound change. When a sound change is in progress, do speakers with the new and old variants...