February 21, 2025
In and around the Department of Linguistics in the next week:
- Ladino/Judeo-Spanish Working Group - Thursday Feb 27 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 4-5pm
Carlos Yebra Lopez (Cal State Fullerton): Presentation of the book Ladino on the Internet in Ladino - Language Revitalization Working Group - Wednesday Feb 26 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 3-4pm
Alexia Hatun (UCLA): "A Safe Place for Language: Linguistic Accessibility and Vitality among Non-Dominant Languages" (with a focus on Western Armenian) - Phorum - Friday Feb 21 - Dwinelle 1229 - 4-5pm
Julianne Kapner (UC Berkeley): "Which 'u' and why: Varying vowels in Bay Area Armenian" - Phorum - Friday Feb 28 - Dwinelle 1229 - 4-5pm
Practice talks for Exploring Boundaries: Phonological Domains in the Languages of the World
Maksymilian Dąbkowski and Katie Russell: "Wordhood at the heart of Paraguayan Guaraní morphology"
Kai Schenck: "Morphological domains in Yurok rhotic vowel harmony" (poster) - Syntax and Semantics Circle - Friday Feb 21 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 3-4:30pm
Margaret Asperheim (UC Berkeley): "Possessors and numerosity predicates in Nukuoro 'have'-constructions" - Syntax and Semantics Circle - Friday Feb 28 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 3-4:30pm
Melissa Cronin (Stanford): "On the decomposition and anteriority of used to"