Language and Social Context

Holliday quoted in the Guardian

November 21, 2024

Nicole Holliday is quoted in an article on ‘Government by the worst’: why people are calling Trump’s new sidekicks a ‘kakistocracy’ in the Guardian. From the article: “Americans, Holliday says, love labels. “We like having words for things, because then they seem like they’ve been...

Berkeley linguists at NWAV

October 31, 2024

There will be six talks by Berkeley linguists at NWAV 52 in Miami, November 7-9, 2024:

Amber Galvano: "Measuring Sibilants in Speech & Sexuality Research: Beyond Spectral Moments" Anna Knall: "Gender Assignment Variation in Spanish-English Mixed Noun Phrases" Nicole Holliday: “'I Don’t Like My Conversations Being Judged By an AI'”: Issues of Bias and Quality in Social Feedback Speech Technology" Julia Peck: "Multilingualism and Gender Assignment:Three Parallel Systems for Loanwords in Istanbul Judeo-Spanish?" Rhosean Asmah: "Coronal Stop Deletion in Megan Thee Stallion's Rap and Speech" Niko Schwarz: "Phonetics of Liquid Neutralization in Isla Margarita, Venezuela"

Congrats, all!

Book launch for "Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French"

October 31, 2024

Mairi McLaughlin is co-organizing a book launch on Wednesday, November 6th online from 9-11am Pacific to celebrate the publication of the volume Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French, which she edited with Janice Carruthers and Olivia Walsh. The volume is intended to celebrate the career and many contributions of Wendy Ayres-Bennett so the book launch will include a response to the book by Wendy and some remarks about her career. All are welcome to attend!...

McLaughlin presents at Language Contact in Translation workshop

October 10, 2024
Mairi McLaughlin is giving a paper called News as a Site of Language Contact from the Early-Modern Period to the Contemporary at a workshop on Language Contact in Translation on 17-18 October in Germersheim, Germany. The...

Bleaman gives colloquium talk at Brown

September 16, 2024
Isaac Bleaman will be giving a colloquium talk for the Program in Linguistics at Brown University on Thursday, September 26. The title of his talk is "Social dimensions of variation in Yiddish: Historical perspectives and new insights."

Graduate Field Methods Course History

This page summarizes the history of graduate instruction in linguistic field methods at Berkeley, with information about academic year, language(s), consultant(s), and instructor(s), when known. Links in the Language column are to archival collections in the California Language Archive (CLA). The information has been reconstructed from archival course catalogs, which occasionally do not reflect the ultimate instructor of record, and in consultation with Linguistics faculty, graduate students, alumni, and records in the CLA. We will...

Berkeley linguists at NWAV 51

September 14, 2023

Congrats to the current and recent Berkeley linguists who will be presenting at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51, taking place at Queens College, CUNY from October 13 to 15:

Julianne Kapner: "Ne-omission in Ivorian French celebrity interviews on YouTube" Chaya R. Nove: "Linguistic innovation or ancestral feature? The case of tsuzamen and tsam in Hasidic Yiddish" Noah Macey, Michael Stern, Sang-Im Lee-Kim, Jason Shaw: "A dynamic neural model of the interaction between social and lexical influences on speech production: the case of retroflex sibilants in Taiwan Mandarin" Cooper Bedin, Lal Zimman, Marina Zhukova: "Operationalizing gender: Methods for statistical modeling of open-response demographic data" Nicole Rosen, Alexandra Pfiffner: "A culture of labour: indexing ‘blue-collar’ through a lower /s/ COG in Manitoba, Canada" Eve Fleisig: "Hedges and apologies in ChatGPT responses to African-American English and Mainstream U.S. English" Baichen Du, Alexandra Pfiffner, Keith Johnson: "Visible articulatory variation as a cue to sound change: Lip rounding and lip protrusion variability in the Mandarin sibilant merger" Irene Yi, Grace Wong: "Social Perception and Categorization of Southern Mandarin Accents" Grace Wong, Irene Yi: "Social attribute ratings of Mandarin varieties in different countries" Naitian Zhou: "Artificial accents: assessing phonological variation in voice cloning software" Aurora Martinez Kane: "Social perceptions of Traditional New Mexican Spanish paragoge across communities" Dakota Robinson: "Sociophonetic variation in Breton: Analyzing the effects of social factors, language contact, and speaker attitudes" Anton de la Fuente, Julia Peck: "Variable enregisterment and variable stigma: Shifting indexes of locality in Galician" Riley VanMeter: "Quantifying grammaticalization via translation: The position of Lo Cunto de li Cunti’s Neapolitan on the Romance grammaticalization cline"