In and around the Department of Linguistics in the next week:
- SSCircle – Friday, October 4 - Dwinelle 1303 - 3-4:30pm
NELS practice talks:
1. Morphological boundary glottals in A'ingae: A new argument for [δ] (Maksymilian Dąbkowski)
2. Person hierarchy effects from φ-agreement at the left periphery in Kawahíva (Wesley dos Santos)
3. The clause-medial vP phase is real: Evidence from Moselle Franconian (Akil Ismael & Jessica Göbel) - Phorum – Friday, October 4 - Dwinelle 1229 - 4-5pmMarko Drobnjak (Univeristy of Ljubljana): VOICE: Verifying How Speech Perception Shapes Credibility in Legal Contexts – A Statistical and Experimental Approach with Future Machine Learning Potential
Ladino/Judeo-Spanish Working Group – Monday, Oct. 7 - Dwinelle 1229 - 3-4pm
Conversation hour: learn to make (Turkish) coffee and tea in Ladino! (snacks included) -
LRWG – Wednesday, Oct. 9 - Dwinelle 1303 and Zoom - 3-4pm
Anna Macknick (UC Berkeley) with a workshop on "Creating mini zines for accessible language materials" - SSCircle – Friday, October 11 - Dwinelle 1303 -- 3-4:30pm
Travis Major (USC): TBD - Phorum – Friday, October 11- Dwinelle 1229 - 4-5pm
Kai Schenck (UC Berkeley): Modeling stochasticity, gradience, and domain effects in Yurok rhotic vowel harmony with Gestural OT.