Syntax and Semantics

Berkeley linguists at SALT

August 19, 2020

Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30, hosted virtually by Cornell this year, has been taking place this week and has featured the following talks by department members and alumni:

Prerna Nadathur: Causality and aspect in ability, actuality, and implicativity Scott AnderBois and Maksymilian Dąbkowski (first year grad student!): A'ingae =sa'ne APPR and the semantic typology of apprehensional adjuncts Nicholas Fleisher (PhD 2008): Unconcealed Questions Pranav Anand and Maziar Toosarvandani (PhD 2010): Embedded presents and the structure of narratives

Congrats all!

Dawson presents at NYU Semantics Group

May 21, 2020

Very recent PhD graduate Virginia Dawson will be giving a (remote) talk at the NYU Semantics Group this Friday, May 22, at 10:30 am Pacific. The title of her talk is "Deriving obligatory narrow scope disjunction." Please email Ginny for the Zoom link.

Dawson to appear in Linguistic Inquiry

April 11, 2020

Congrats to Virginia Dawson, whose squib "Outscoping the directive force of imperatives" has been accepted for publication at Linguistic Inquiry!

Dawson to Western Washington

February 25, 2020

Congratulations to Virginia Dawson, who has just accepted a tenure-track position in semantics at Western Washington University! Ginny will be joining Western's newest department.

Laparle, Scott publish in NELS 49

January 23, 2020

The proceedings of NELS 49 are now in print, featuring a paper each by Schuyler Laparle and Tessa Scott:

Laparle, S. 2019. Locative inversion without inversion. In NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, vol. 2, eds. Maggie Baird & Jonathan Pesetsky, 199-208. [preprint] Scott, T. 2019. Clitic placement in Mam (Mayan) requires a host requirement. In NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, vol. 3, eds. Maggie Baird & Jonathan Pesetsky, 117-126. [preprint]

Congrats both!

Berkeley @ WCCFL 38

January 16, 2020

The program for the upcoming 38th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics has just been released, promising the following presentations by current department members and alumni:

Tessa Scott: Two types of "composite" probes Madeline Bossi: A morphological account of promiscuous agreement and *local > local in Kipsigis Virginia Dawson: Disjunction is not Boolean: novel evidence from Tiwa Nicholas Baier (PhD '18) and Gloria Mellesmoen: Spelling out object agreement in Central Salish Maziar Toosarvandani (PhD '10): TBA (invited talk)

Congrats all!

Scott paper accepted at Linguistic Inquiry

January 14, 2020

Congrats to Tessa Scott, whose paper "Two types of Resumptive Pronouns in Swahili" has been accepted for publication in Linguistic Inquiry!

Deal in Göttingen

December 2, 2019

Next week, Amy Rose Deal will be traveling to Göttingen, Germany, to give an invited talk on the mass/count distinction at Number and Plurality: Cross-linguistic Variation in the Nominal Domain.