The 2022-2023 colloquium series continues on Monday, October 24, with a talk by Anne Charity Hudley (Stanford) and Christine Mallinson (UMBC), taking place via Zoom (and live-streamed in Dwinelle 370) from 3:10-5pm. Their talk is entitled "Decolonization and inclusion in linguistics: Setting the framework for a liberatory linguistics," and the abstract is as follows:
Colonial oppression is at the heart of linguistics as a discipline because of the expedient material and intellectual wealth that colonialism has provided. Over the last few years, linguists have begun to take the exclusionary, racist and colonial histories seriously in linguistics and in the study of language more broadly. Charity Hudley, Mallinson, and Bucholtz’s (2020) call for racial justice in linguistics challenged current scholars to increase inclusivity while decolonizing the linguistics departments and programs. Several authors responded with their own reckonings with continued colonial and white supremacist practices within the field, all of which were published together a special issue in Language, the journal of the Linguistic Society of America.
Following the publication of this special issue, Charity Hudley, Mallinson, and Bucholtz presented a call for the development and publication of two volumes on racial justice and inclusion in linguistics: Decolonizing Linguistics and Inclusion in Linguistics (forthcoming, Oxford University Press). In addition, Charity Hudley was invited to co-edit an issue of Dædalus, the journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, on the topic of Language and Social Justice.
In this talk, Charity Hudley and Mallinson will present an overview of the three forthcoming volumes and share how this collective work moves us closer to a more liberatory linguistics.
Charity Hudley, A.H., Mallinson, C., & Bucholtz, M. (2020). Toward racial justice in linguistics: Interdisciplinary insights into theorizing race in the discipline and diversifying the profession. Language 96(4), e200-e235. doi:10.1353/lan.2020.0074.
Charity Hudley, A.H., Mallinson, C., & Bucholtz, M. (forthcoming). Decolonizing Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
Charity Hudley, A.H., Mallinson, C., & Bucholtz, M. (forthcoming). Inclusion in Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
Charity Hudley, A.H., & Wolfram, W., guest editors. (forthcoming). Special issue: Language and Social Justice. Dædalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.