A Coatlan-Loxicha Zapotec Grammar |
Rosemary Beam de Azcona |
2004 |
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A Cognitive Approach to Mandarin Conditionals |
Fan-Pei Gloria Yang |
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A concrete approach to phonological universals |
John Crothers |
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A constructional Approach to Japanese Internally Headed Relativization |
Kyoko Ohara (Hirose) |
1996 |
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A contrastive study of the grammatical structures of Aymara and Cuzco Kechua |
Joseph Davidson, Jr. |
1977 |
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A Description of the Kutenai Language |
Lawrence Morgan |
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A descriptive grammar of Palenque Mayan |
Martha Macri |
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A grammar of Blackfoot |
Allan Taylor |
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A grammar of Chiliwack Halkomelem |
Brent Galloway |
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A grammar of Delaware: Semantics, morpho-syntax, lexicon, phonology |
Bruce Pearson |
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A grammar of Diegueño: The Mesa Grande dialect |
Margaret Langdon |
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A Grammar of Nevome |
David Shaul |
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A grammar of Nigerian pidgin |
Nicholas Faraclas |
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A grammar of Pawnee |
Douglas Parks |
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A grammar of the Karok language |
William Bright |
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A grammar of the Lahu language |
James A. Matisoff |
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A grammar of the Lake Miwok language |
Catherine A. Callaghan |
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A grammar of the Washo language |
William H. Jacobsen |
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A grammar of the Weingartskirchen dialect of Transylvanian German |
Malcolm McClure |
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A grammatical sketch of Eastern Kayah (Red Karen) |
David Solnit |
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A historical study of the Garong verbal system |
Yasuhiko Nagano |
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A historical-comparative study of the Tani (Mirish) branch in Tibeto-Burman |
Jackson Sun |
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A Kashaya grammar (Southwestern Pomo) |
Robert Oswalt |
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A Language of Pursuit and Withdrawal: A Linguistic Analysis of Couples’ Counseling |
Melinda Givens |
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A linguistic analysis of poetic style |
Lyn Kypriotaki |
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A linguistic analysis of television commercials |
Linda Coleman |
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A linguistic experiment in delayed auditory feedback |
Donald Baker |
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A linguistic perspective on minority education: discourse analysis and early literacy |
James Collins |
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A linguistic study of causative constructions |
Masayoshi Shibatani |
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A Mandan dictionary |
Robert Hollow, Jr. |
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A microanalysis of the nonmanual components of questions in American Sign Language |
Charlotte Baker-Shenk |
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A morphologic grammar of the Classical Mandaic verb |
Joseph Malone |
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A nation under joint custody: How conflicting family models divide US politics |
E. Elisabeth Wehling |
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A partial analysis of a variety of nonstandard Negro English |
June Rumery McKay |
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A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Central Naga |
Daniel Bruhn |
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A semantic study of royal and sacerdotal usages in Thai |
Kanita Kanasut Roengpitya |
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A semantic study of transitivity relations in Chinese |
Shou-hsin Teng |
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A Sociolinguistic Description of the Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan, Malaysia |
Kok Seong Teo |
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A study of referential opacity |
Barbara Abbott |
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A Study of Vowels, Diphthongs, and Tones in Thai |
Rungpat Roengpitya |
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A Synchronic and Diachronic Functional Analysis of Hittite -ma |
Michael Meacham |
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A Treebank of the Karuk Language |
Erik Hans Maier |
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A typological evaluation of Celtic/Hamito-Semitic syntactic parallels |
Orin Gensler |
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A Usage-based Model of Aphasic Sentence Comprehension |
Susanne Gahl |
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Accent and Ideology among Bilingual Korean Americans |
Andrew Cheng |
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Accounting for the phonetic value of nonspeech sounds |
Gregory Finley |
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Achinese historical phonology |
Jesse Sawyer |
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Acoustic Cues in the Directionality of Stop Consonant Confusions |
Madelaine Plauché |
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Acoustic Measurement in Phonetics: Current practices and future directions |
Emily Grabowski |
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Adjectives and Infinitives in Composition |
Nicholas Fleisher |
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Affectedness Constructions: How languages Indicate Positive and Negative Events |
Tomoko Yamashita Smith |
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Agreement, case, and switch-reference in Amahuaca |
Emily C. Clem |
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An acoustical basis for universal constraints on sound sequences |
Haruko Kawasaki |
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An Updated Typology of Causative Constructions: Form-Function Mappings in Hupa (California Athabaskan), Chungli Ao (Tibeto-Burman) and Beyond |
Ramon M. Escamilla, Jr. |
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Analysis in outline of Mam, a Mayan language |
Una Canger |
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Animism in thought and language |
John L. Cherry |
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Anti-Agreement |
Nicholas B. Baier |
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Are These Truths Self-Evident? Language, Culture and Human Rights in the U.S. and China |
Jason D. Patent |
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Argument structure constructions |
Adele Goldberg |
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Articulation and Altered Auditory Feedback |
Sarah G. Bakst |
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Articulatory uniformity through articulatory reuse: insights from an ultrasound study of Sūzhōu Chinese |
Matthew D. Faytak |
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Aspect, Modality, and Tense in Badiaranke |
Rebecca T. Cover |
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Aspect, Situation Types and Nominal Reference |
Hana Filip |
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Aspects of articulatory and perceptual learning in novel phoneme acquisition |
Emily S. Cibelli |
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Aspects of Korean diachronic phonology |
Namgui Chang |
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Aspects of Lakhota syntax |
Robert Van Valin, Jr. |
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Aspects of Salinan grammar |
Katherine Turner |
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Aspects of the Grammar of Thulung Rai: an Endangered Himalayan Language |
Aimée Lahaussois |
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Association with Foci |
Maziar Toosarvandani |
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Atikamekw morphology and lexicon |
Jean Pierre Beland |
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Attunement in interaction: Sequential use of Japanese honorifics |
Makiko Takekuro |
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Austronesians in Papua: Diversification and Change in South-Halmahera-West New Guinea |
David C. Kamholz |
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Automatic decoding of written English |
Sheldon Klein |
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Bakweri verb morphology |
Ann Hawkinson |
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Basque Word Order and Disorder Principles, Variation, and Prospects |
Jon Aske |
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Beyond the Issues: A Linguistic and Conceptual Study of American Public Discourse |
Pamela Morgan |
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Beyond Time: Temporal and Extra-temporal Functions of Tense and Aspect Marking in Totela, a Bantu Language of Zambia |
Thera M. Crane |
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BioFrameNet: a FrameNet Extension to the Domain of Molecular Biology |
Andrew Dolbey |
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Body part terminology in Hebrew: a study in lexical semantics |
Miriam Petruck |
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Borrowed Blackness: African American Vernacular English and European American Youth Identities |
Mary Bucholtz |
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Building a Multilingual Internet: The View from South Asia |
Anushah Hossain |
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Burmese: a grammatical sketch |
Julian Wheatley |
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Cantonese sociolinguistic patterns: Correlating social characteristics of speakers with phonological variables in Hong Kong Cantonese |
Robert S. Bauer |
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Caribbean Northern Arawak Person Marking and Alignment: a Comparative and Diachronic Analysis |
Tammy Elizabeth Stark |
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Categorization in phonology: An experimental approach |
Jeri Jaeger |
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Causes and Consequences of Convergence |
Jevon S. Heath |
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Cavite Chabacano Philippine Creole Spanish: Description and Typology |
Marilola Perez |
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Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the light of comparative Arabic dialectology |
Alan Kaye |
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Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara) Phonology and Morphology |
Gabriela Caballero |
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Clause structure and ergativity in Nukuoro |
Emily Drummond |
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Coexistent tone systems in Chinese dialects |
Chinfa Lien |
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Cognition In Grammar: The Problem of Verbal Prefixation in Malay |
Lionel Wee |
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Cognitive Aspects of the Grammaticalization of Medieval Welsh Prepositions |
Heather R. Jones |
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Combining structure and usage patterns in morpheme production: Probabilistic effects of sentence context and inflectional paradigms |
Clara Cohen |
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Coming to order: Natural selection and the origin of syntax in the Madarin speaking child |
Mary Erbaugh |
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Comparative syntax in Austronesian |
William Foley |
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Compensatory Lengthening: Phonetics, Phonology, Diachrony |
Darya Kavitskaya |
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Conditional and concessive clauses in Modern Greek: a syntactic and semantic description |
Vasiliki Nikiforidou |
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Connective Polysemy and Clause Linkage Typology in Korean |
Jisup Hong |
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Constructional and Conceptual Composition |
Ellen K. Dodge |
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Constructional Grounding: The Role of Interpretational Overlap in Lexical and Constructional Acquisition |
Christopher Johnson |
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Constructional Morphology: The Georgian Version |
Olga I. Gurevich |
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Constructional Polysemy and Mental Spaces in Potawatomi Discourse |
Laura Buszard-Welcher |
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Context in Constructions |
Russell R. Lee-Goldman |
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Conversational processes in television commercials |
Karen Hunold |
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Costs and Cues in the Auditory Comprehension of Code-switching |
Alice Shen |
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Cross-Linguistic Lexicographic Databases for Etymological Research, with Examples from Sino-Tibetan and Bantu Languages |
John Lowe |
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Depiction of Events in ASL: Conceptual Integration of Temporal Components |
Paul G. Dudis |
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Deriving natural classes: The phonology and typology of post-velar consonants |
John Sylak-Glassman |
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Diachrony in clause linkage and related issues |
Toshio Ohori |
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Discourse connectedness: The syntax-discourse structure interface |
Kenneth Paul Baclawski, Jr. |
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Discourse-Functional, Historical, and Typological Aspects of Applicative Constructions |
David Peterson |
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Distributing morphologically conditioned phonology: Three case studies from Guébie |
Hannah L. Sande |
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Diversity and frequency as a reflection of social factors: the application of variable rules to the analysis of disposal in the Beijing speech community |
Robert Sanders |
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Duration in Moraic Theory |
Kathleen Hubbard |
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Ellipsis in Japanese discourse |
Shigeko Okamoto |
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Epistemic modality across syntactic categories in Kipsigis |
Madeline Bossi |
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Establishing reference in Máíhĩ̵̀kì |
Stephanie Farmer |
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Evaluating linguistic knowledge in neural networks |
Geoffrey Bacon |
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Existential quantification in Tiwa: disjunction and indefinites |
Virginia Dawson |
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Finite Paradigm Grammar: A Computational Analysis of Icelandic Inflections |
Gregory Shenaut |
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First Language Phonetic Drift during Second Language Acquisition |
Charles B. Chang |
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Focus in Caquinte |
Zachary O'Hagan |
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Formal aspects of phonological description |
Charles Johnson |
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Foundations of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes |
Joseph Grady |
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French endocentric nominals |
Frederic Jenkins |
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From Voice Quality to Tone: Multilingualism in Northeast Thailand and Shifting Cue Weights |
Raksit Tyler Lau-Preechathammarach |
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Functions of the Verb in Tamil Narration |
Susan Herring |
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Fundamentals of Iu Mien (Yao) grammar |
Christopher Court |
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Gender and authority: classroom diplomacy in Frankfurt and Berkeley |
Elisabeth Kuhn |
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Generating Discourses from Networks using an Inheritance-based Grammar |
Mark Seligman |
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Gesturing through Time: Holds and Intermodal Timing in the Stream of Speech |
Mischa A. Park-Doob |
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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: The Case of Acknowledgments in PhD Dissertations |
Sara Gesuato |
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Grammaire de la langue Hayu (Népal) |
Boyd Michailovsky |
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Grammar and semantics of adnominal clauses in Japanese |
Yoshiko Matsumoto |
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Grammar in Metaphor: A Construction Grammar Account of Metaphoric Language |
Karen S. Sullivan |
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Grammar of the Siona language, Colombia, South America |
Alva Wheeler |
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Grammatical Polysemy: the Systematicity of Multiple Meanings in Grammar |
Michele Emanatian |
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Grammatical relations in Chinese: synchronic and diachronic considerations |
Randy LaPolla |
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Grammatical Subject and Its Role in the Grammar of Case Languages |
Mirjam Fried |
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Grammatical tone: Typology and theory |
Nicholas R. Rolle |
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Hemisphere dynamics in lexical access: Automatic and attentional processes |
Christine Chiarello |
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Hierarchical spatiotemporal dynamics of speech rhythm and articulation |
Samuel E. Tilsen |
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Hijra/Hijrin: Language and Gender Identity |
Kira Hall |
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Hupa grammar |
Victor K. Golla |
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Ibibio grammar |
Elaine Marlowe Kaufman |
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Inezeño Chumash grammar |
Richard Applegate |
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Input-driven Opacity |
Marc Ettlinger |
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Interactions between speech rate and fundamental frequency in English |
Kazue Hata |
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Introduction to Qiang Phonology and Lexicon: Synchrony and Diachrony |
Jonathan Evans |
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Investigation of the role of phonological distinctive features in a production task |
Carol Ann Simpson |
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Iranian Dialectology and Dialectometry |
Chundra A. Cathcart |
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Irish on the Air: Media, Discourse, and Minority-language Development |
Colleen Cotter |
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Japanese and English contrastive lexicology: The role of Japanese "mimetic adverbs" |
Masayoshi Hirose |
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Japanese numeral classifiers: a syntactic, semantic and functional profile |
Pamela Downing |
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Khasi, a Language of Assam |
Lili Rabel |
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Kiliwa grammar |
Mauricio Mixco |
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Konkow grammar |
Russell Ultan |
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Language change, contact, and koineization in Pacific Coast Athabaskan |
Justin Spence |
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Language in the Body: Iconicity and Metaphor in American Sign Language |
Sarah Taub |
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Language structure, processes and HUN, a grammar of the Hungarian language |
Szilard Imre Szabo |
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Language, ethnicity and politics in Quebec |
Monica Heller |
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Laryngeal behavior in speech |
William Ewan |
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Learning the phonetic cues to the voiced-voiceless distinction: An exploration of parallel processes in phonological change |
Mary Ellen Greenlee |
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Legal Meanings: A Cognitive Linguistic Study of American Legal Discourse |
Richard Perry |
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Lexical borrowing in Taiwan |
Mark Hansell |
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Lexical Modeling in a Speaker Independent Speech Understanding System |
Charles Wooters |
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Lexical Phonology and Morphology of the Ciyao Verb Stem |
Armindo Ngunga |
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Lexical prosodies of Mandarin: comparative evidence from Chinese dialects |
Deborah Davison |
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Lexical representations and the semantics of complemantation |
Jean Mark Gawron |
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Lexical Underspecification and the Syntax/Semantics Interface |
Jean-Pierre Koenig |
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Linguistic constraints on compensation for altered auditory feedback |
Shira Eden Katseff |
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Linguistic indices of schizophrenia |
Sandra Shamis |
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Linguistic Purism, Language Shift, and Contact-Induced Change in Tatar |
Suzanne Wertheim |
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Livonian phonology, with an appendix on stød in Danish and Livonian |
Marilyn Vihman |
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Logical and Substantive Scales in Phonology |
David R. Mortensen |
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Maidu grammar |
William Shipley |
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Manifestations of ergativity in Quiche grammar |
Thomas Larsen |
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Metaphor in the Grammar of Argument Realization |
Oana A. David |
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Miami Language Reclamation in the Home: A Case Study |
Wesley Y. Leonard |
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Miscreant morphemes: phrasal predicates in Ugric |
Farrell Ackerman |
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Modeling English vowel durations |
Michelle Caisse |
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Modeling the Role of Social Information in Speech Perception |
Emily Remirez |
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Mono grammar |
Sydney Lamb |
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Morphological Causatives in Korean: Problems in Grammatical Polysemy and Constructional Relations |
Jeong-Woon Park |
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Morphological Sources of Phonological Length |
Anne Pycha |
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Morphology and cliticization in Chalcatongo Mixtex |
Monica Macaulay |
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Morphology of the Hupa language |
Pliny Earle Goddard |
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Mutsun Grammar |
Marc Okrand |
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New World Mennonite Low German: An Investigating of Changes in Progress |
Roslyn C. Burns |
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Nez Perce grammar |
Haruo Aoki |
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Nicobarese grammar (Car dialect) |
Jean Critchfield Braine |
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Northern Paiute Historical Grammar |
Michael Nichols |
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Of Sound, Mind, and Body: Neural Explanations for Non-categorical Phonology |
Benjamin Bergen |
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Open syllable lengthening in English: A study in compensatory phonological processes |
Alice Grundt |
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Outline of a generative semantic description of Pampangan |
Andrew Gonzalez |
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Parsing Below the Segment in a Constraint Based Framework |
Cheryl Zoll |
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Participatory Action Research in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec Language Revitalization |
Julia Nee |
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Patterns of Change in Prosodic Systems |
Stephen Wilson |
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Perceptual learning for speech: Mechanisms of phonetic adaptation to an unfamiliar accent |
Yevgeniy Melguy |
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Person and Deixis in Brazilian Sign Language |
Norine Berenz |
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Phonetic and Cognitive Bases of Sound Change |
Reiko Kataoka |
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Phonetic and Phonological Acquisition in Endangered Languages Learned by Adults: A Case Study of Numu (Oregon Northern Paiute) |
Erin F. Haynes |
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Phonetic and Social Selectivity in Speech Accommodation |
Molly E. Babel |
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Phonetic Attention and Predictability: How Context Shapes Exemplars and Guides Sound Change |
Jonathan T. Manker |
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Phonetic development in an agglutinating language |
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Phonetic universals and phonological change |
Hector Javkin |
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Phonetics and Phonology of Ikalanga: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study |
Joyce Mathangwane |
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Phonological change in German |
Burckhard Mohr |
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Phonological Conditions on Affixation |
Mary E. Paster |
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Phonological encoding and phonetic duration |
Melinda D. Fricke |
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Phonological history of Wu |
William Ballard |
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Phonology and dictionary of Yavapai |
Alan Shaterian |
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Phonology and morphophonemics of Yapese |
Robert Wen Hsu |
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Phonology of a soundless language: Phonological structure of the American sign language |
Lynn Friedman |
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Phonotactics and morphophonology in American Sign Language |
Mark Mandel |
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Plains Cree morpho-syntax |
Amy Dahlstrom |
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Politeness in Japanese Sign Language (JSL): Polite JSL expression as evidence for intermodal language contact influence |
Johnny E. George |
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Polysemy, aspect and modality in Brazilian Portuguese: The case for a Cognitive Explanation of Grammar |
Maria-Margarida Salomão |
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Positional Neutralization: A Phonologization Approach to Typological Patterns |
Jonathan Barnes |
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Postlexical palatalization in English: An acoustic-phonetic study |
Margot Peet |
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Pragmatics as implicitness: an anlaysis of Question particles in Solf Swedish, with implications for the study of passive clauses and the language of persuasion |
Jan-Ola Östman |
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Problems of word order change in selected Indo-European languages |
Gary B. Holland |
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Processes and consequences of conversational style |
Deborah Tannen |
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Pronominal reference in Thai, Burmese, and Vietnamese |
Joseph Cooke |
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Pronouns and agreement in San Juan Atitán Mam |
Tessa Scott |
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Pronouns and pronominal morphology in Tibeto-Burman |
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Proposal For the Use of Cognitive Linguistics in Hupa Language Revitalization |
Jocelyn Ahlers |
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Prosodic Prominence in Karuk |
Clare S. Sandy |
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Proto-Carib phonology |
Victor Girard |
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Proto-Ersuic |
Dominic Yu |
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Proto-Kra |
Weera Ostapirat |
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Proto-Kuki-Chin |
Kenneth VanBik |
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Proto-Wintun kin classification: A case study in reconstruction of a complex semantic system |
Kenneth Whistler |
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Realization and Representation of Nepali Laryngeal Contrasts |
Martha Schwarz |
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Reflexivization: A Study in Universal Syntax |
Leonard M. Faltz |
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Relationship between perceptual accuracy and information measures: A cross-linguistic study |
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Runyambo Verb Extensions and Constraints on Predicate Structure |
Josephat Rugemalira |
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Scottish Gaelic Clefts: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics |
Christine M. Sheil |
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Semantic structure and semantic change: A cognitive linguistic study of modality, perception, speech acts, and logical relations |
Eve Sweetser |
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Semantic structures in English and Atsugewi |
Leonard Talmy |
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Semantics and the structure of compounds in Chinese |
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Serial Verb Constructions Revisited: A Case Study from Koro |
Jessica Cleary-Kemp |
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Shuo Wen Jie Zi - Dianzi Ban: Digital Recension of the Eastern Han Chinese Grammaticon |
Richard Sterling Cook |
2003 |
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Sign-Based Morphology and Phonology with special attention to Optimality Theory |
Orhan Orgun |
1996 |
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Social Influences on Female Speakers' Pitch |
Julie Lewis |
2002 |
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Sociolinguistic Aspects of Thai Politeness |
Leela Bilmes |
2001 |
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Some aspects of the Hindi complement system |
Jagdish Jain |
1975 |
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Sound Change in San Francisco English |
Birch Moonwomon |
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Southeastern Pomo grammar |
Julius Moshinsky |
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Spatial and non-spatial deixis in Cushillococha Ticuna |
Amalia E. Skilton |
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Spatial Experience and Temporal Metaphors in Wolof: Point of View, Conceptual Mapping, and Linguistic Practice |
Kevin Ezra Moore |
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Speech Lost From Speech: The Cognitive Linguistics of Alienation, Objectification, and Reclaiming |
Mel Chen |
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Speech Stereotypes of Female Sexuality |
Auburn L. Barron-Lutzross |
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Stress and salience in English: Theory and practice |
Henry Thompson |
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Strong Linearity: Three Case Studies Towards a Theory of Morphosyntactic Templatic Constructions |
Jeffrey Good |
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Studies in Crow Linguistics: Documentation, Grammar, and History |
Edwin Ko |
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Studies in East Armenian Grammar |
Emma Wintler Johnson |
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Studies in the acquisition of Mandarin phonology |
Harold Clumeck |
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Studies in the History and Geography of California Languages |
Hannah J. Haynie |
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Studies in the phylogenesis of questions and diachronic syntax |
Benjamin Ka-Yin T'sou |
1971 |
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Study of the Chevak dialect of central Yup'ik Eskimo |
Anthony C. Woodbury |
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Subphonemic Teamwork: A Typology and Theory of Cumulative Coarticulatory Effects in Phonology |
Florian A. J. Lionnet |
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Substrate Transfer in Saramaccan Creole |
Marvin Gould Kramer |
2002 |
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Subtle semantics: universals in the polysemy of reflexive and causative constructions |
Eric Pederson |
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Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of TE-linkage in Japanese |
Yoko Hasegawa |
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Talking to foreigners: The role of rapport |
Peggy McCurdy |
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Tense and Aspect in Periphrastic Pasts: Evidence from Iberian Romance |
Matthew Juge |
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The abstract-concrete distinction in language |
Hasmig Seropian |
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The Acoma language |
Wick Miller |
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The acquisition of Finnish inflectional morphology |
Howard Argoff |
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The acquisition of grammatical structures by a Mexican-American child learning English |
Eduardo Hernández-Chávez |
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The acquisition of narrative discourse: A study in Japanese |
Patricia Clancy |
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The Aeroacoustics of Nasalized Fricatives |
Ryan K. Shosted |
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The Austroasiatic substratum of Acehnese |
Ira Collins |
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The Balto-Slavic predicate instrumental: A problem in diachronic syntax |
Johanna Nichols |
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The Cocopa language |
James M. Crawford |
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The consonant system of Middle-Old Tibetan and the tonogenesis of Tibetan |
Liansheng Zhang |
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The development of conjunction in later childhood |
Marilyn Silva |
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The development of the inchoative suffix in Latin and Romance |
Andrew Allen |
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The Diachronic Development and Synchronic Distribution of Mimimizers in Mandarin Chinese |
I-Hsuan Chen |
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The Discourse System of American Lesbians and Gays |
Anita Liang |
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The dynamic process of sound change |
Zhong-Wei Shen |
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The Eastern Pomo language |
Sally McLendon |
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The effect of similarity in the acquisition of a foreign language |
Svata Louda |
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The effects of fundamental frequency upon recall of natural, LPC and synthetic speech |
Mariscela Amador-Hernández |
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The Effects of Phonological Neighborhoods on Pronunciation Variation in Conversational Speech |
Yao Yao |
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The Functions and Evolution of Topic and Focus Markers |
Paula Kadose Radetzky (Rogers) |
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The Gascon Énonciatif Sytem: Past, Present and Future, a Study of Language Contact, Change, Endangerment and Maintenance |
Nicole E. Marcus |
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The Gbeya language |
William J. Samarin |
1962 |
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The Grammaticalization of Grammatical Relations: A Typological and Historical Study Involving Kashaya Pomo, Old English, and Modern English |
David Gamon |
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The historical development of reduplication, with special reference to Indo-European |
Mary Niepokuj |
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The Historical Origin of Consonant Mutation in the Atlantic Languages |
John T. M. Merrill |
2018 |
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The Indo-Hittite hypothesis |
Joel Erickson |
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The Integration of Social and Acoustic Cues During Speech Perception |
Eric Wilbanks |
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The interaction of syntax and metaphor in gesture: A corpus-experimental approach |
Elise Stickles |
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The Interaction of Valence and Information Structure |
Josef K. Ruppenhofer |
2004 |
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The Karen Language: Descriptive and Comparative Studies |
Robert B. Jones |
1958 |
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The Klamath language |
Phillip Barker |
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The Kṛṣṇakarṇāmṛta of Līlāśuka Bilvaman̄gala |
Frances Wilson |
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The Linguistic Ecology of Northwestern California: Contact, Functional Convergence and Dialectology |
Lisa J. Conathan |
2004 |
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The Linguistic Expression of Affective Stance in Yaminawa (Pano, Peru) |
Kelsey C. Neely |
2019 |
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The Miami-Illinois Languages |
David Costa |
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The Morphology and Phonology of Infixation |
Alan C.L. Yu |
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The Morphosyntax of Discontinuous Exponence |
Amy M. Campbell |
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The morphosyntax of verbal agreement in Uab Meto |
Tyler Lemon |
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The nature of subjects, topics and agents: A cognitive explanation |
Jeanne Van Oosten |
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The nouny alternative: Crossing the verb-noun borderline in modern Chinese |
Ning-Ping Chan |
1983 |
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The Origin and Development of Nonconcatenative Morphology |
Andrew Simpson |
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The Origin and Spread of Locative Determiner Omission in the Balkan Linguistic Area |
Eric H. Prendergast |
2017 |
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The origins of Burmese creaky tone |
Graham Thurgood |
1976 |
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The Phonetics and Phonology of San Martín Itunyoso Trique |
Christian DiCanio |
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The phonetics and phonology of the timing of glottal and oral events |
John Kingston |
1985 |
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The phonology and morphology of Filomeno Mata Totonac |
Teresa McFarland |
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The phonology and morphology of Kisi |
George (Tucker) Childs |
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The Phonology and Morphosyntax of Kol |
Bonnie Jean Henson |
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The Piro (Arawak) language |
Esther Matteson |
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The propagation of sound change: A case study in Chinese dialects |
Chiu-Chung Liao |
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The Representation of Morphemes in the Russian Lexicon |
Eugenia Antic |
2010 |
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The Role of Dynamic Cues in Speech Perception, Spoken Word Recognition, and Phonological Universals |
Natasha Warner |
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The Sacapultec language |
John DuBois |
1981 |
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The School Business: Rethinking Educational Reform |
Nancy Urban |
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The self-reflective linguist: a case study in terminology |
Rhoda Kesselman |
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The Semantic Typology of Pluractionality |
Esther Jane Wood |
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The semantics of form in Arabic, in the mirror of European languages |
David Justic |
1981 |
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The Semantics of Kʷak̓ʷala Object Case |
Katherine Sardinha |
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The shape of discourse: How gesture structures conversation |
Schuyler Laparle |
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The Shasta language |
Shirley Silver |
1966 |
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The Syntax and Semantics of Do So Anaphora |
Michael J. Houser |
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The syntax and semantics of HAVE and its complements |
Claudia Brugman |
1988 |
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The syntax of crossing coreference sentences |
Pauline Jacobson |
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The syntax of Middle Egyptian relative clauses |
Leanna Gaskins |
1980 |
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The Tarascan language |
Mary LeCron Foster |
1965 |
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The Wiyot language |
Karl Teeter |
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The Yukian language family |
Marie-Alice Schlichter |
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Theoretical and Typological Issues in Consonant Harmony |
Gunnar Hansson |
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Theoretical aspects of Kashaya phonology and morphology |
Eugene Buckley |
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Dissertation |
Topic and Discourse Structure in West Greenlandic Agreement Constructions |
Anna Berge |
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Topic, focus, and the grammar of spoken French |
Knud Lambrecht |
1986 |
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Topics in historical Chumash grammar |
Kathryn Klar |
1977 |
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Topics in Northern Pomo grammar |
Mary Catherine O'Connor |
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Topics in Tepehua grammar |
James Watters |
1988 |
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Topics in the grammar of Marwari |
David Magier |
1983 |
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Topics in the Phonology and Morphology of San Francisco del Mar Huave |
Yuni Kim |
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Topics on the syntax of Kawahíva: A Tupí-Guaraní language from the Brazilian Amazon |
Wesley dos Santos |
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Tough Constructions in English: a Construction Grammar Approach |
Yoon-Suk Chung |
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Toward a grammar of aspect: the case of the English perfect construction |
Laura Michaelis |
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Towards a Theory of Subsegmental and Subfeatural Representations: The Phonology and Typology of Nasality |
Myriam Lapierre |
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Turkish-English contrastive analysis: Turkish morphology and corresponding English structures |
Hikmet Sebuktekin |
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Tzeltal grammar |
Terrence Kaufman |
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Tzutujil grammar |
Jon Dayley |
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Un bosquejo gramatical del idioma ixil |
Glenn Thompson Ayres |
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Understanding the Self: The Distribution of Anaphora within Prepositional Phrases |
Jenny S. Lederer |
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Verb concatenation in Southeast Asian languages: a cross-linguistic study |
Donald Goral |
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Verb-Initial Clauses in Ancient Greek Prose: A Discourse-Pragmatic Study |
Tom Recht |
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Verb-Initial Constructions in Modern Hebrew |
Nurit Melnik |
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Verbal Phonology and Morphology of Ndebele |
Galen Sibanda |
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Viewpoints in the Korean Verbal Complex: Evidence Perception, Assessment, and Time |
Iksoo Kwon |
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Vowel Reduction in Polish |
Pawel M. Nowak |
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Vowels of California English before /r/, /l/, and /n/ |
Joshua S. Guenter |
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Wailaki Grammar |
Kayla Rae Begay |
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What people say they do with words |
Jozef Verschueren |
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Wichita grammar: A generative semantic sketch |
David Rood |
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Wikchamni grammar |
Geoffrey Gamble |
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Wintu grammar |
Harvey Pitkin |
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Word-medial syllabification and gestural coordination |
Karee Garvin |
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Writing as a part of language: a stratificational study |
James Stone |
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Yanan Oral Narrative: Presentation and Analysis |
Herbert Luthin |
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Yokuts grammar: Chukchansi |
Thomas Collord |
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You had to be there: the pragmatics of improvisational joking in relation to a sociolinguistic theory of conversation |
Catherine Davies |
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Yowlumne in the Twentieth Century |
William F. Weigel |
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Dissertation |
Zero anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese subjects and objects: morphological and typological considerations |
Raquel Teixeira |
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